Project creation
eTwinning wall
School and 5th grade presentation
The avatars of the 3rd grade
4th grade presentation
Drawing of logos
Voting for our school's logo proposal
Voting for the project's logo
Voting results
Christmas cards and wishes
The game "Furni" by the 5th grade
The avatars of the 5th grade
The game "Mila" by the 5th grade
Students discussion in the Twinspace
Live event: 3rd&5th grade with La Gaviota school
The game "Akinitida" by the 4th grade
Live event: 4th grade with Maria Reina Colegio
The game "Perna perna i melisa" by the 5th grade
The 5th grade plays the Spanish Bomb
Completing the Answer Garden
Skype between the 4th grade and Turkey
The 4th grade plays the Spanish Sleepy Bear
Chasing games from the 5th grade
Puzzles from the 5th grade
Turkish students sing in Greek!
Answering questionnaires
Students and parents of the 5th grade play Germaniko
Gaitanaki, from the 3rd grade
Scratch animations from the 5th grade
Survey results
Certificate awards