Lesson Plan

By opineda
  • English

    "Understanding Character Motivation through Hamlet"
    Grade: 9-12
    Time: 7- 50 mininutes
  • Prior Knowledge

    Prior Knowledge
    Students will have already read Hamlet before beginning the lesson.
    Also, they should already have a basic understanding of literary devices.
  • Learning Objectives

    By the end of this lesson, students will be able to...
    1. Identify literary devices in a play and define them.
    2. Critically analyze passages in a play by demonstrating their understanding of themes and symbolism in a play.
    3. Evaluate a character's actions in order to understand its effects on the plot.
  • Procedures: Part 1

    Procedures: Part 1
    Block 1:
    1. Entry Slip: Students must identify the literary term for the given definition
    2. Review results with class
    3. Class discussion: Acts 1 & 2
    4. Exit Slip: Write a question based on Acts 1 & 2 Block 2:
    1. Answer 4-5 questions based on exit slips
    2. Class discussion: Acts 3 &4
    3. Exit Slip: Write a question based on Acts 3 & 4 Block 3:
    1. Answer 4-5 questions based on exit slips
    2. Class discussion: Acts 4 & 5
    3. Exit Slip: Write a question based on Acts 4 & 5
  • Procedures: Part 2

    Procedures: Part 2
    Block 4:
    1. Entry Slip: Students must identify the literary term for the given definition
    2. Review results with class
    3. Discuss assignment: Students are to complete a worksheet in class
    4. Discuss presentation: Demonstrate example outline of the presentation (they will have as a reference)
  • Procedures: Part 3

    Block 5-6:
    1. Students will turn in their completed worksheets
    2. For the remainder of the class students will present their projects
    3. If their is any remaining time, present questions to the class based on exit slips as a review and/or allow students to present any questions they may have Block 7:
    1. Entry Slip: Students must identify the literary term for the given definition
    2. Review results with class
    3. For the remainder of the time, students will take an online test
  • Assesment

    Formative: Exit slips, Summative: Presentation and test
  • Accommodations

    1. Dictionary that translates from their language to English will be accessible for lessons and assignments
    2. Reading out loud the poll questions, and if possible having the poll questions translated Other:
    1. Give an outline of the lesson for the students
    2. Print out example outline of the presentation, with the a detailed description of what is required for the presentation