Lesson 8.2: The New Deal

  • Civilian Conservation Corps

    This program brought jobs to unemployed men ages 18-25, and paid very well. It had put 3 million men to work during its time before in shut down in 1942.
  • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
    It created a federal insurance for bank deposits.
    This was used back then to help banks keep giving their customers money, and still is today.
  • National Industrial Recovery Act

    National Industrial Recovery Act
    It was created so the president could manually increase prices in industry to help counter deflation, one of the big issues of the great depression.
    It is no longer in use today, as it is unnecessary, since deflation is no longer an issue.
  • Security and Exchange commission

    Security and Exchange commission
    A commission that was created to regulate the stock market and stop fraud.
    The commission, back then, was used to help prevent another economic depression. This still applies today.
  • National Labor Relations Board

    National Labor Relations Board
    It organized factory elections through a secret ballot to determine whether workers wanted a union.
    It was then, and is still the board in charge of creating and maintaining unions.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    The act added additional taxes that, give that worker many special benefits. It worked in a similar fashion to life insurance. It also gave many benefits to those with disabilities.
    Social security is still used nowadays to give retirement money to the elderly.
  • Committee for Industrial Organization

    Committee for Industrial Organization
    It was a group of unions that made it their main goal to unionize many more industries, primarily being the automotive and steel industries. Nowadays, it's known as the AFL-CIO, due to combining with the AFL.