Step One In Making A Healthy Goal; Make it Specific
As it says in the book, "a goal should answer the six 'W' questions" (4). These should be answering who is involved, what will be accomplished, where it will take place, when it should be done, which constraints are there, and why you want to achieve this goal. -
How I can Be More Specific
I could definitely be more specific with my goals. Usually they are just a kind of thought or thing that I hope to do. I usually do not spend time or really sit down and figure out all the specific details. If I were to take more time on my goals, then I may be more successful with them as I will know the specifics. -
Step Two In Making A Healthy Goal; Make it Measurable
In order to increase your success and have a more likely chance to achieve your goal, you need to make it so that it can be tracked. The book says “When you measure your progress, you stay on track, reach your target dates, and experience the exhilaration of achievement that spurs you on to continued effort required to reach your goal" (5). If you can't see any big changes, then your motivation will decrease. -
How Can I Make My Goals Measureable
I can definitely keep a log of what I am doing to help see my progress that I am making. Being able look back at where I started and how far I have come will definitely give me motivation to keep working to achieve my goal. For example, if my goal was around wanting to lift a certain amount, I can keep a log of my starting weight, and see how I progressed to achieved my goal. It shows the individual that there hard work is paying off. -
Step Three To Making A Healthy Goal; Make it Attainable
In order to have a good goal, it needs to be something that you can see yourself achieving if you work hard to do it. Although at first the goal may seem far stretched, as you work for it you should be able to see it being more achievable. -
How Can I Make My Goals Attainable?
I think that especially right now, I establish goals that are easier to reach so I can feel better about myself and more accomplished because I am hitting these goals pretty easily. I think I need to expand the difficulty of the goal so that it is still attainable, but requires me to work even harder so that I can be more proud when I hit that goal because I will know how hard I worked to attain it. -
Step Four In Making A Healthy Goal; Make It Realistic
When you at determining what your goal is, you need to make it a high goal that you have to work for, but it also must be one that makes sense and is possible. Many times people make low easy goals, but the book says that “A high goal is frequently easier to reach than a low one because a low goal exerts low motivational force” (5). If you have something high that you want to achieve, you are more likely to work harder for it than if it is something small and easy you know you can hit easily. -
How I Can Make My Goals More Realistic
Again, I think that I am often setting low goals I know I can reach. I often find a lack of motivation, which is explained in the book. If I make my goals about something I really like and about something that I will need to work hard to achieve, I will have more motivation to do it. -
Step Five In Making A Healthy Goal; Make It Timely
You need to a set a date by which you want to achieve a goal. This allows the motivation to work on it to be there. Having a timeline of when your goal needs to be hit will urge you more to go out and work on your goal instead if doing something less productive like watching tv. -
How Can I Add A Timeline To My Goal
I can set a Timeline by looking at all my it her events, and determining then when would be a reasonable date. Having an achievable timeline, but not a super long one will get me to work more for my goal, and it will help me stay on track with other things too. -
Health Goal- Have More Muscle And Be Able To Lift More
Specific- I can choose a weight that I want to be able to lift. I am going to say that I want to be able to bench 175 lbs. Measurable- Record the weight that I am lifting to be able see my progress and keep me motivated. Attainable- This is a goal that I think if I work really hard at, I will be able to attain. It is a goal that I am going to have to work hard to reach, but I think that I can eventually be able to do it. -
My Goal Continued
Realistic- A realistic time that I want this goal to be done by is before the first school baseball game, so around the end of March. This will give me time to keep working up from the amount I am at now, which is not a ton, but still an okay amount. Timeline- I can circle the date that I want to reach it by, and then assign goals that I want to hit along the way to keep me on track and so that I can see my progress. -
My Goal's Strengths
If I can hit this goal the I will be much stronger than I am now, it will allow me to be able to throw the ball harder, I will be able to swing with more power, and I may not get as tired as fast and have more endurance. -
My Goal's Needs
It will take lots of hard work, I will need the proper equipment for this goal, I will need a timeline to keep me on track, and I will need motivation and dedication to complete this goal. -
My Goal's Risks
Some risks could be that if I do not progress at a good pace then I could hurt myself, I could also hurt myself if I use improper form, and if I skip a week and try to get in where I was, I could also hurt myself.