Lesson 2.2

By Cal823
  • Specific:

    Be detailed when developing your goal. Avoid broad statements (Textbook 4). My Goal: Gain 20 lbs through winter/spring morning football lifting
  • Measurable

    Have a concrete criteria for measuring progress toward goal (Textbook 4). My Goal: I will be able to tell if I am getting closer to my goal by weighing myself constantly.
  • Attainable

    The goal has to be reasonable enough to accomplish it (Textbook 5). My Goal: Last year i gained 15 lbs, so 20 lbs is to too far out there in terms of weight gain. I can do this by eating good foods constantly in combination with not missing lifting.
  • Timely

    The goal should be done within a timeframe (Textbook 5). My Goal: i have decided to give myself the entire winter and spring to complete my goal because that is where to bulk of my lifting will be done.
  • Period: to


    Don't set the goal so high that you wont be able to reach it. Make it worth your time (Textbook 5). My Goal: My goal is defiantly realistic because i know what i need to do in order to gain weight, so this will be totally do-able.