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Leonardo Di Vinci

  • Apr 15, 1452

    Birth of Leo

    Birth of Leo
    Leonardo is born near the Tuscan town of Vinci
  • Period: Apr 15, 1452 to May 2, 1519

    Life and death

  • 1455

    Leonardo moves

    Leo moves to his grandparents
  • 1466

    Leonardo moves to Florence

    Moves to Florence with his dad to become and appreciate
    For Andrea Verrocchio
  • 1472

    Leo paints an angel

    Leonardo paints angel in Verrocchio’s Baptism of Christ (left hand corner of painting); he is also accepted into the Painters’ Guild that year.
  • 1473

    He makes his oldest surviving drawing

     Leonardo makes his Landscape Drawing, his oldest surviving drawing
  • 1480

    He works for Duke Lorenzo de Medici

    Leonardo works for Duke Lorenzo de Medici, a patron of the arts.
  • 1481

    He creates his first large painting

    Commissioned for Adoration of the Magi, first large painting – which like so many others, he leaves unfinished! 
  • 1482

    He starts work for the Duke of Milan

    Leonardo offers service as engineer, architect, sculptor, and painter, to Duke of Milan.
  • 1483

    He moves to Milan

    Moves to Milan; contracted for first Virgin of the Rocks, that he doesn’t finish; starts initial sketches for the equestrian statue for Duke of Milan. The Duke quickly asks it to be made three – four times lifesize.
  • 1488

    His Fist Anatomical Drawings

    First Anatomical drawings appear in his notebooks.
  • 1490

    Leo becomes a director

    Leonardo directs feasts and pageants; starts serious work in notebooks; makes scale model for equestrian statue; considers making a telescope.
  • 1493

    Clay Maker

    Builds full-scale clay model of the equestrian statue, unveiled for wedding.
  • 1494

    Virgin of the Rocks 2.0

    May have painted second Virgin of the Rocks; begins construction of canal and molds for statue. Leonardo also spends some time away from Milan, in Pavia studying.
  • 1498


    Leonardo plans to publish his notebooks; writes book on theory of mechanics.  He meets with other artists at an “Academia” to discuss artistic theories.
  • 1503

    Battle of Anghiari

    Commissioned for painting of Battle of Anghiari; begins Mona Lisa (working intermittently on both). He also works on plans for canal from Florence to the sea and experiments with flying.
  • 1515

    Leonardo goes to Rome

    Leonardo goes to Rome, at request of Pope Leo X’s brother, Giuliano. He opens art studio but concentrates on his science work.
  • 1519

    Leonardo Dies

    Leonardo writes his will (23rd of April) and dies and the 2nd of May