Leonardo da

Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Apr 15, 1452


    He was born in Anchiano, Near Vinci
  • Period: Apr 15, 1452 to May 2, 1519


  • 1468

    Became Apprentice

    Became Apprentice
    At the age of 14, Leonardo da Vinci became an apprentice to one of the greatest painters of the time, Andrea del Verrocchio. He learned to paint and sculpt under him and was also taught the basics of metallurgy, drafting, chemistry, botany, cartography, and carpentry at his workshop
  • 1490

    Vitruvian Man

    Vitruvian Man
    Leonardo da Vinci's drawing of a male figure perfectly inscribed in a circle and square. He drew this accompanied by notes based on the work of the Roman architect Vitruvius.
  • 1499

    Leaves Milan

  • 1502

    Military engineer

    Military engineer
    Begins to work for Cesare Borgia as military engineer
  • 1503

    Begins Mona Lisa

    Begins Mona Lisa
    Returns to Florence and begins Mona Lisa.
  • 1505

    Studies flight of birds and unsuccessfully attempts to fly

    Studies flight of birds and unsuccessfully attempts to fly
    It was his second unsuccessful flight.
  • May 2, 1519


    Dies of a possible stroke at the age of 67.