1500 BCE
Hinduism makes up 15 percent of all religions in the world today Hinduism started in India. in Hinduism they believe that life is a continuous cycle of life and rebirth. people who practice Hinduism are called Hindustanis. -
800 BCE
Judaism is 2 percent of all religious people today Judaism was started in Israel in 800 BCE people who practice Judaism are called Jews. one of the reasons that Judaism is such a small religion is because of World War 2 where Hitler and the Germans killed millions of Jewish people. Jewish people also celebrate Honica. -
600 BCE
Buddhism began in Asia in 600 BCE. Buddhism makes up 8 percent of all religious people that't 400 Million people. They think that once you die you are reincarnated into something new. The Buddhist religious sign is a wheel representing the journey of life death and rebirth. -
210 BCE
24 percent of religious people are Islam that's nearly 1.8 billion people. Islam started in the middle east. something unique about Islam is the prophet Mohamed who was visited by a angel who told him about the one god Allah. the Islamic religious sign is of a crescent moon and a star. -
1 CE
32 percent of all religious people follow the religion of Christianity while Christianity started int he Middle east and in Europe. The religion was started by a Jewish teacher. Christians believe that if you do good things in life you will go to heaven but if you do bad things you will be sent to hell. People who practice Christianity are called Christians. Christianity religious symbols is the cross were they believe Jesus was crucified on. -
The two sides of the Reconquista conflict were the Muslims and the Christians. when the Muslims gained nearly as much territory as the christian's in Spain they started a war.
the battle of Granada was the battle that ended the war and the Christians won. One very important person for the christian side was Ferdinand VI who was the king of Spain and leader of the Christians. Ferdinand sent Christopher Columbus to america. Reconquista lasted from 722 to 1492 -
Period: 1570 to
The Crusades
The Crusades started because Christians wanted holy land from the Jews and the Muslims in Jerusalem. There were a total of 3 crusades starting from the first crusade second crusade and the children crusades. in the end the Muslims won and they kept there holy land. -
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30 Years War
Ferdinand II wanted all of his people to be Christians when the protestants protested a war started.the 30 year war was in Europe and Germany. nearly 450,000 people died. -
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Circassion War
Russia wanted a part of the black sea so that they could attack Persia this also meant the loss of the Islam religion. This happened south west of Russia and south of Ukraine. the Russians tried to starve out the people of circassa. In the end Russia won helping there growing empire. -
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Israeli Palestine conflict
Muslims and Jews had fights over the holy ground in Israel. after that there were multiple attempts at piece like the oso accords that lasted 7 years until violence started again. even though it is still happening the Jews are holding down Israel with the help of the U.S.A . -
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soviet invasion of Afghanistan
Mohamed Taraki made a friendship with the soviets union to help get Afghanistan back on there feet when the soviet union couldn't supply enough material Taraki wanted to make people more productive by stopping religious practices causing the Muslims to revolt america supplied weapons to the Muslims to fight of the Russians this was a mistake and after 911 america had to fight there own weapons. -
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Syrian civil war
in Syria 60 percent of all people were Sunni and 39 percent were Shia they both fought each other for power. protesters were killed and tortured. many people were forced to run away.