Legalization of Marijuana

  • Nevada and Colorado voters approved medical cannabis initiatives.

    Nevada and Colorado voters approved medical cannabis initiatives.
    Hawaii legislature passed medical cannabis legislation.
  • Montana voters approved a medical cannabis initiative.

    Montana voters approved a medical cannabis initiative.
    Vermont’s legislature passed medical cannabis legislation.
  • New Mexico legislature passed medical cannabis legislation.

  • The adverse effects of cannaboids: implications for use of medical marijuana.

  • The benefits of marijuana: physical, psychological, and spirtual

  • The need for change: An economic analysis of marijuana policy.

  • Arizona voters approve medical cannabis initiative for the third time since 1996.

    Arizona voters approve medical cannabis initiative for the third time since 1996.
    District of Columbia City Council passed medical cannabis legislation.
    New Jersey legislature passed medical cannabis legislation.
    Voters in California narrowly defeat a cannabis legalization initiative, 53%-47%.
  • Delaware legislature passed medical cannabis legislation.

    Delaware legislature passed medical cannabis legislation.
    Connecticut legislature passed cannabis decriminalization legislation.
    June 23, NORML gets the first ever cannabis legalization bill introduced into the US Congres
  • Massachusetts voters passed the Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Initiative with 63% support.

    Massachusetts voters passed the Massachusetts Medical Marijuana Initiative with 63% support, legalizing the use of medical marijuana. Massachusetts was the 18th state to legalize the medical use of marijuana.
  • Marijuana legalization: What everyone needs to know

  • Portland, Maine legalized recreational marijuana.

    Portland, Maine legalized recreational marijuana.[
  • Maryland became the 18th state to decriminalize marijuana.

    Maryland became the 18th state to decriminalize marijuana. Minnesota and New York became the 22nd and 23rd state to legalize medical marijuana in some form.
  • Medical marijuana for Digestive disorders: high time to prescribe?

  • Economic benefits of marijuana legalization