Nazi Germany invades Poland initiating WWII in Europe
Germany invades neutral Poland and this initiates WWII in Europe between allied forces and axis. This is significant because this is the start of a second world War that will change history. -
British Bomb Cologne
The British succeed in bombing a city in homeland Germany successfully bringing the war home to German citizens for the first time. This continues and leaves Germany after the war in complete ruin. -
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Battle of Britain
This is the air war for Great Britain between Great Britain and Nazi Germany. This event is significant because Nazi Germany lost and this allowed Great Britain to stay in the war until the United States joined. https://www.google.com/search?q=battle+for+Britain&safe=strict&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi86LKsptTTAhUowYMKHdQbCVIQ_AUIDCgD&biw=1366&bih=662#safe=strict&tbm=isch&q=battle+for+Britain+dogfight&imgrc=LxZtQkhIpB-vAM: -
Germany Invades Russia
Germany and its allies invade Russia and finally get stopped at Stalingrad. this is significant because Germany opens up a two front war that they didn't want and this is the beginning of the end for Germany. -
Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor
Japan attacks the american fleet in Pearl Harbor significantly weakening the naval power in the pacific. This is significant because it was the main event that made the United States join the war -
The United states declare war on Japan
With the Government of the the United States and the public now knowing the events that happened the day before the government declares war on Japan. This is significant because it starts the war in the Pacific and in turn leads to the United States joining the war in Europe -
Axis forces surrender in Africa
Axis forces surrender at Tunisia this is significant because it ends the North African campaign. -
Battle of Midway
The United States and British Naval Forces stop the advance of Japanese navy at Midway. this is significant because this battle destroyed the Japanese fleet and allowed for the United States to take control of the pacific and begin Island Hopping. -
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US troops halt Japanese Island hopping at australia
This is when Japan was capturing as many islands in the south pacific ocean and US troops stop them from taking Australia which gives them a place to start an Island hopping Campaign of there own.https://www.google.com/search?q=HAlting+Japanese+island+hopping&rlz=1C1NHXL_enUS691US691&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjZ4dfg39vTAhUJQSYKHbAwCCcQ_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=914#imgrc=vFJO46VlhNDSBM: -
El Alamein
British troops defeat German and Italian troops at El Alamein and have them in retreat for Libya. This is significant because it is the beginning of the end for Germany in the south. -
US and British troops land on Sicily
US and British troops invade Sicily and by mid August they control Sicily. This is significant because Sicily is the start of the invasion of mainland Italy. -
Allied troops liberate Rome
Allied troops liberate Rome. This is significant because it allowed Anglo Americans to bomb eastern Germany for the first time -
Allied troops Successfully land on Normandy
Allied Troops successfully land on Normandy in France. This opens up a second front on the West in France -
US Troops land in the Philippines
US troops start the major offensive of Island Hopping in the Pacific which begins in the Philippines. This is important because they begin to directly attach Japanese owned Islands. -
Hitler Commits suicide
Hitler decides that the war has no good ending for Germany and decides to kill himself. This is significant because the Nazi leader was then dead and ended the War in Europe -
The United States drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima causing major devastation to the Japanese homeland. This is important because it is the first of two dropped that ends WW 2 in the Pacific. -
This is the second bomb dropped from the United States. This was on the city Nagasaki which was another War production city. This is significant because it was the second of two atomic bombs that ended WWII in the Pacific. -
Japan Surrenders
Japan agrees to an unconditional surrender on August 14th, but doesn't officially surrender until this date. This is significant because it ends WWII officially.