Legacy of Residential Schools

  • Mohawk Institute

    The first residential school in Canada opens. At this point of time, only boys were admitted into the school.
  • Indian Act Enacted

    The Indian Act is enacted, which gives the federal government permission to start Residential Schools with various clauses
  • Mandatory enrolment into residential schools

    Aboriginal children forced to attend the residential schools, and forcibly taken from their families by priests, agents, and police
  • SIxties Scoop

    Since residential schools were closing, the government's social workers took Aboriginal children away from their families then put them into foster or adoption homes. Those homes were all non-Aboriginal
  • United Church of Canada apologizes

    The Church officially apologizes to the Aboriginal people
  • Period: to


    The Missionaries Oblates of Mary Immaculate, Anglican Church, and Presbyterian Church offer formal apologies and confessions
  • Last School Closes

    Gordon Residential School in Saskatchewan closes
  • Negotiations

    The government begin negotiating with the various churches to make a compensation plan.
  • Prime Minister Apologizes

    Stephen Harper, the Prime Minister of Canada formally apologizes to former students.
  • Truth and Reconciliation Commission Officially Opens

    After two years, Canada's TRC opens its headquarters in Winnipeg