Famliy for ever 003

lee,s life

By leebe
  • Period: to

    John Erich Heigl

    John Heigl was born in 1939. As he started to live his life in Lenz Austria as the war is just begining. He seen a lot of things and decided to leave when he was old enough.He left to canada in 1956 and came to winnipeg to start a new life with his sister.
  • Mom & Dad Get Married

    Mom & Dad Get Married
    Jonh Heigl and Lorraine (Armitt) Heigl fall in love and get married in winnipeg
  • My bother

    My bother
    My brother is born at the womens hospital . As it stands right now les has two grirls with Gail ( Gregorchuck) Heigl. My bro is on the left
  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born at the womens hospital in winnipeg manitoba The son of lorraine&John heigl I was 6LB,10 OZ Iam on the right
  • School

    Went to school at Machray Lived at 453 Maryland
  • jump out of fire

    me and my bro, dad, mom jumped out of a 3th storie window to save our lifes . The son of the caretaker set the apartment building on fire and nine people died in this fire
  • General Wolfe School

  • Sisler High School

    I was in auto there and was frist to put a lawnmowere motor back together frist not to bad.
  • frist job

    I started at stadium ford on Staint mathews st in winnipeg I was a car jocky
  • R.B. Russell School

    I went to this school and finnished grade 10 and some of 11. The couse I liked was cooking and won a award in it for best cook.
  • Jenny Heigl

    Jenny Heigl
    My brother had a baby girl and now Iam a uncle. She was a cute baby
  • frist new car

    the day i bought a new 1988 mustang. I was so happy to have it t was a 5 speed and blue in colour.
  • Ashley Heigl

    Ashley Heigl
    My brother had a nother kid feeling older now iam a uncle for the second time
  • How I Met the wife

    How I Met the wife
    Well what cane I say . Went to the bar one night not looking for nothing just to play a V.L.T machine. I had to go to the restroom so I put up my chair and left. When I came back their was this chick play my game. Well thats how I met the love of my life Sandy McKay
  • My son Eric was born

    My son Eric was born
    My son was born in the afternoon at the womens hospital on noterdame ave in winnipeg manitoba.. this is one of the happyest time in my life to see my boy.
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    Lorraine & Bill (william) Gergorchuck

    I met them both as my brother was dating their daughter Gail. This when iI started to learn how to fix cars Bill was a mechcanic at cannidian tire. He showed me a lot of stuff then I started to learn on my owen and did not to bad. Lorraine was a nice person. We would talk and laugh a lot . I miss them both,Bill passed in 2013 and his wife Lorraine in 2009
  • school

    The day I started school. Boy i was nervus to go but as time went on it became ok
  • Period: to

    school time

    Time to learn again