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Schools in the Year 2020
Teacher PD focused on alternative classroom design/management
We already have tech-infused classrooms at all grade levels, but some teachers struggle with keeping students on task and engaged. It would be good to focus on strategies for a positive approach to the problem, such as ways to engage the students in the learning so they are less prone to wander. -
Refresh student devices based on current needs.
Possibly move to tablet devices if feasible and supported for SBAC? Tablets seem like a better option for digital textbooks, but also introduce other complications such as higher damage rate and lack of physical keyboard. -
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First year of digital textbooks
The end of paper textbooks is coming. All of our students have devices; the next step is to provide content digitally. This can be digital textbooks provided by a publisher, free textbooks from CK-12 Foundation, etc. -
Implement online learning opportunities
We are a small TK-8 district. Online education may not make sense at all grade levels, but it may have a place at the middle school level, perhaps to offer opportunities to students with limited appeal that prohibits an actual class at school (secondary languages, etc). -
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Go paperless!
Begin "paperless classroom" initiative. Now that we have digital textbooks and online offerings, the use of paper has become less and less relevent in the classroom. Students should be able to complete assignments/projects and submit to teachers completely electronically, and teachers should be able to collaborate, offer feedback, and grade.