Google domain purchased for MDUSD
Period: to
Schools in the year 2020
Schools being implementing 21st Century Student-Centered Learning
Identified Elementary, Middle, and HIgh Schools begin implementing 21st century learning. The roll out for this implementation is done over a period of 3 years (2015-2018) and schools are in 3 different groups. The groups were determined by when each school began using GAFE and blended learning. -
Online curriculum maps using CurricUplan are fully implemented
All district staff begin using Google Drive, docs, and Chrome
For this implementation to be successful, all district administration and support staff will need professional development on using Google drive, docs, and Chrome. The use of this technology will enable all staff to streamline their workflow, increase collaboration, and strengthen communication. -
Online Assessment system updated to connect to multiple assessment databases
Currently we use Online Assessment System (OARS) for student academic data (this includes state testing data, and report card information). We are also using other online systems to assess students and gather information. This inlcudes the use of iReady and ESGI. The challenge with this, is that the systems do not link, so we cannot see a longitudinal report of how a student is performing over time. Having all assessment data in one place would greating improve data analysis and reporting. -
Teachers use technology to improve delivery of instruction and to assist students in meeting language, math, science, and history/social studies standards.
Teachers will use technology to improve delivery of instruction and to assist students in meeting language, math, science, and history/social studies standards.
Also, students demonstrate grade-level appropriate technology and information literacy skills -
21st century learning occurs in all schools across the district
BYOD is adopted and supported
All sites are on the district mdusd.net google domain
Blended learning is fully implemented
Hardware updated and the infrastructure to support increased use of technology is established