Identification: Personalized Learning 2019 P.D.
Personalized learning is instruction that offers pedagogy, curriculum, and learning environments to meet the individual student’s needs. The experience is tailored to learning preferences and the specific interests of different learners. In a personalized learning environment, the learning objectives and content, as well as the method and pace, may all vary. -
Evaluation of Needs and Implementation for SOHS and Personalized Learning
The administrative team and instructional leadership team will need to meet multiple times in order to establish how Personalized Learning can be brought to the Sonora campus, given our other focuses of common assessments and increasing attendance. This will be done during instructional team meetings once a month and administrative team meetings once a week during the months of Sep-Dec.
https://www.impatientoptimists.org/Posts/2016/02/What-Does-Personalized-Learning-Mean-to-You -
Initial Professional Development
Teachers will receive an initial PD on Personalized Learning which will include background information, application steps, and follow up steps. This initial PD will be for the entire school together, but later more focused content-area specific release days will take place.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oLNLCO0vfI -
Technology Training Day
Colleagues from our district's technology department will come to our campus and provide refresher mini courses on all the technology our district has to offer and can support (especially with our one-to-one Chromebooks. Google classroom, apps., and student-created projects will all be discussed and showcased. -
English-Language Arts Collaborative Release Day
All members of the English department will participate in a collaborative release day where they can work together in their PLCs to start coming up with ideas and timelines to implement Personalized Learning in English classrooms. This meeting would be led by an Assistant Principal and the ELA TOSA for the district. -
Humanities Collaborative Release Day
Following the ELA-only release date, the English and Social Sciences departments will have an additional day to work together for cross-content area Personalized Learning opportunities for students. This will also help prepare students for the CAASPP assessments which typically assess English via Social Sciences prompts. -
Mathematics Collaborative Release Day
All members of the math department will participate in a collaborative release day where they can work together in their PLCs to start coming up with ideas and timelines to implement Personalized Learning in English classrooms. This meeting would be led by an Assistant Principal and the Math TOSA for the district. -
STEM Collaborative Release Day
Following the mathematics-only release date, the math, science, and technology departments will have an additional day to work together for cross-content area Personalized Learning opportunities for students. This will also help prepare students for the CAASPP assessments which typically assess mathematics via science or engineering prompts. -
Electives Collaborative Release Day
All other content areas including World Languages, CTE, and PE classes will have 1 release day to work on plans for how Personalized Learning can fit into their classrooms and how they can best support the Personalized Learning in the core content areas. The department chairs from math and English will be present as well at this meeting. -
Period: to
Application of Personalized Learning in Classrooms
After all collaboration days have been done, teachers will have six weeks to begin implementing Personalized Learning in their classrooms with students. During this time, teachers will be meeting with students working on their goals and learning road maps. Administration will be doing informal observations on a weekly basis, and teachers will be meeting weekly in their PLCs to share data gathered and how it is affecting instruction and implementation.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJqZrV-Xsgg -
Personalized Learning School-wide Showcase
Similar to a science fair, after the first 6 weeks of implementation, we will hold a showcase for all parents and community members to come and see what students and teachers have created via Personalized Instruction. Students will choose their favorite activity, assignment, or project that they helped to create from any class to share. This event could also double as an Open House for the school. -
Period: to
Planning for Next Steps via PLCs
After the school-wide showcase, teachers will spend the final month of the school year in their PLCs discussing how to begin implementing Personalized Learning from the beginning of the school year for the 2019/2020 year. Data from the initial 6 weeks of Personalized Learning activities will be shared as well as other forms of evidence.