Lebanese Civil War

  • The Beginning of Civil War

    The Beginning of Civil War
    Gunmen attempted to kill the Maronite Christian Leader Pierre Gemayel while he was leaving Church. In retaliation, Gunmen from the Christian Maronite killed Palestinian Civilian in a bus. This sparked the Civil War.
  • Syrian Troops enter Lebanon

    Syrian Troops enter Lebanon
    30,000 Syrian troops enter Lebanon to intervene to stop gains that Palestinian-Muslim forces were doing against the christian militias. They were also trying to restore peace.
  • PLO attacks Israel

    PLO attacks Israel
    Due to the PLO having a base in Lebanon, their commandos launched an attack at Israel. This resulted in 25,000 Israeli Soldiers to cross the Lebanese border and wipe out the PLO.
  • Resolution 425

    Resolution 425
    United Nation called Israel to withdraw it troops from Lebanon and called for 4,000 UN peacekeeping force in South Lebanon.
  • Israel withdraws troops

    Israel withdraws troops
    Israel withdraws most of its troops, however they handed the territory's to the Christian forces.
  • Syria attacks the Christian forces

    Syria attacks the Christian forces
    With the Christian Forces allying them self with Israel, the Syrian troops pointed their weapons on the Christian militias
  • Israel invades again

    Israel invades again
    With the assassination attempt of one of their ambassadors, Israel and their Christian allies attack Southern suburbs of Beirut to get rid of the PLO.
  • PLO evacuate

    PLO evacuate
    Intense mediation between the U.S, the PLO evacuate Lebanon
  • Bashir Gemayel assassinated

    Bashir Gemayel assassinated
    Christian leader and president elect Bashir Gemayel is killed in East Beirut.
  • Israel attacks West Beirut

    Israel attacks West Beirut
    With the backed Christian leader dead, Israeli troops enter the Capital and Gemayel brother takes office of the President of Lebanon on September 23 of 1982.
  • Israeli withdrawal

    Israeli withdrawal
    The Israeli army withdraw most of its troops from Lebanon, however it keeps some troops along the Lebanon-Israeli border. The Zone is patrolled by the South Lebanon Army and Israel soldiers.
  • No Successor

    No Successor
    The Presidency of Gemayel ends without a successor, this leads Lebanon to operate with two rival governments. One under general Michel Aoun and Selim el Hoss a Sunni Muslim.
  • War of Liberation

    War of Liberation
    Michel Aoun declares war on the Syrian occupation, it leads to final rounds of the Civil War, as Christian forces battle it out again.
  • Taif Agreement

    Taif Agreement
    The Arab league broker a cease fire within Lebanon, it laid the ground work for the end of the civil war by reapportioning power in Lebanon.
  • Civil war ends

    Civil war ends
    The Civil Wars ends with Michel Aoun being removed from his presidential palace, and going to exile in Paris by Syrian troops.