Learning engagement 2. The IB future projections

  • TOK introduced

    TOK aims to make students critically reflect on the development and understanding of knowledge.
  • Mission Statement developed

  • Learner Profile developed

    Outlines the 10 characteristics that the IB program aims to develop in IB learners.
  • Online exams

    Exams move online for most/all subjects
  • Cross institutional collaboration

    With a shift to online programs and learning, there is greater capacity to engage with other IB schools. Teachers with specialist areas could coordinate to deliver lessons on their specialist topic, drawing on particular skill sets/knowledge.
  • Introduction of a STEM-based subject

    Whilst science, technology/engineering and math are available as individual subjects, a STEM subject would allow for students to focus on drawing knowledge and skills from all 4 disciplines through innovation, critical thinking and problem solving.