Emotional Development: What was your temperament like as a baby?
When I asked my mother about this, I took the time to explain to her the difference between the different types of temperaments found in infants. What she described to me could only be considered positive temperament. She stated that I was not a difficult tempered child. I was described as being happy, pleasant, and satisfied to sit and play with whatever she handed me (although she may be a little biased). -
Emotional development: Were you securely/insecurely attached to your primary caregiver?
I was always securely attached to my mother. I would cry when she left but was easily calmed when she picked me back up. She did not describe anything about me pushing her away or seeming confused about if I wanted her close. She was my primary caregiver and i was content when she was around.
(I am the one in the red) -
Physical Development: When did you start walking?
I was a late bloomer when it comes to walking. My mother even took me to the doctor to get me checked out due to her concern that I wasn't walking yet. he told her if she would stop picking me up EVERY time I cry that I would start walking. Within two weeks i was staggering around the house. She says I was about 15 months when I began walking. -
Early Childhood
Cognitive Development: Tell a story that demonstrates a level of Piaget's Cog. Dev.
I had (and still have) a stuffed animal puppy named Sherlock. He is a hound dog. It was a gift from Nannie when I was 3. I LOVED that dog and took him everywhere. One day while grocery shopping I sat on mom's loaf of bread and I blamed Sherlock. I used animism to give him human qualities. Animism and egocentrism were part of the preoperational stage. -
Early Childhood
Cognitive Development: what sort of interests did you have as a young child? Does it fit with the research on children's concept formation and categorization? Mom says I would bring her books to read to me and afterwards I would pretend to read them to her. She thinks it is because we did a lot of book reading in my preschool class. -
Early Childhood
Physical Development: how often did you get physical exercise? What sort of activities did you do? What were your feelings regarding physical activity? I went to preschool everyday but I still got plenty of exercise. I loved to go outside and swing and jump on my big sisters trampoline (supervised of course). -
Early Childhood
Physical Development: Which gross/fine motor skills did you use? swinging and jumping involved gross motor skills with my legs and arms (to hold onto the swing) and to help balance when jumping or to catch myself when I fell. There aren't many fine motor skills involved in jumping or swinging. -
Early Development
Emotional Development: How did family/friends/teachers describe you as a child? Was this the same or different from your infant temperament? I was consistently content just as I was in infancy. I was, however, very inquisitive during this time. I was always asking questions in an effort to learn. I played on my own well and i had some pretty bad sharing problems. My sister is ten years older so I never really got practice sharing my toys. -
Middle/Late Childhood
Physical Development: How often did you get physical exercise? what sort of activities did you do? what were your feelings regarding physical activity?
I got exercise everyday during recess and after school (when I finished my homework). I loved to play on the playground with my friends at recess. At home I would go out and play on my razor scooter with all of my cousins. At that point in time I still loved being outside.
(This is my cousin Jared and I) -
Cognitive Development: Tell a story of you using Piaget's Cog Dev Formal Operational stage: age 11-15
I vividly remember having adolescent egocentrism. I thought that when I had a breakout or a frizzy hair day that EVERYONE was looking at it and judging me. I had an imaginary audience thinking as if i was everyone's center of attention. -
Physical Development: Did you enter puberty early or late? Did that effect you?
I entered puberty early. I had a relatively early growth in breast size and I started menstruating early as well. Unlike some girls who develop early, it did not lead me to early drinking or drug use. I relate that to my close relationship with my mother. -
Physical Development: How often did you get physical exercise? What sort of activities did you do? What were your feelings regarding physical activity? The only exercise i got in adolescence was from P.E. and JROTC. I hated having to get sweaty during the first period of school but I loved JROTC. The program had many benefits that made it all worth it. -
Physical Development: What gross/fine motor skills did you use for the activities listed?
There were gross motor skills involved to walk/march. There were also more complex fine motor skills needed to do certain hand motions and to manipulate a weapon for JROTC. P.E. took an incredible amount of gross motor skills for the various stretches and exercises we did, (like running up the bleachers). -
Emotional Development: How would Sternberg have described your most important relationship in adolescence?
I had a long term relationship throughout high school. He was my "high school sweetheart". He was my first love and I had a secure attachment to him. I wasn't jealous or over protective. If anything I was too trusting. Sternberg would describe it as consummate love. -
Early Adulthood
Emotional Development: How would you describe the attachment style of your closest relationship?
I have avoidant attachment with my significant other because he started distancing himself before we reached a secure attachment. He could also be described as having avoidant attachment because he is hesitant to get close to someone because of his past experiences. -
Early Adulthood
Emotional Development: What classification of Sternberg's relationship is most appropriate? How?
The avoidant attachment i have with my significant other could only be described as infatuation (lacking intimacy and commitment). -
Physical Development: What is your current level of physical activity? How do you feel about it?
Currently I walk about 10,000 steps a day. I generally do not work out even though I know I should. In the summer time I do enjoy swimming and hiking. When it comes to physical activity, I feel somewhat guilty because I know better. I just never really take the time. -
Physical Development: Which gross/fine motor skills did you use for these activities?
I use gross motor skills that involve large muscle activity to walk and climb (hiking). I also used fine motor skills to put on goggles in the pool or use my phone to play music while I walk.