Learner-Centered Instructional Design

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    Audio-visual instructional materials (radio, motion pictures, film strips) are uni-directional
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    Move from norms-based exams to criterion-referenced testing
  • 1977

    New AECT definition attempts to differentiate “incidental learning” or “non-deliberately managed” learning from “purposive and controlled” instruction
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    Move from Behaviorism to Constructivism
  • 2007

    The term Learning Experience Design (LXD) is coined
  • 2009

    The Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) develops Universal Design for Learning principles
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    Digital badges allow achievements to be verified and publicly posted. This encourages micro-credentialing options for programs focused on self-directed learning.
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    Personalized Learning Environments were the development of personalized sets of tools or resources for each learner.
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    Learning analytics allow tracking of learner data in free-form, self-directed learning experiences.