Leady&Abe-Tex Rev7th

  • Period: to

    Texas Revolution

    Start and finish of the Texas Revolution
  • battle of gonzales

    battle of gonzales
    mexcian officials demanded that the texans at gonzalez returned the tiny cannon to them. the texans responded with "come and take it" flag.
  • consultation of 1835

    consultation of 1835
    the constatution voted aginst an immidate decleration of independence by vote of 33 to 15. the next day they adopted the decleration of the people in texas in general convention assembled, which stated that they continued to be loyal citizens of mexcio. they declared that they faught only to protect themselves and stand up for the constitution of 1825.
  • the seige of san antonio

    the seige of san antonio
    almost ready to give up the texans recived incouraging news . they learned that cos's men were in great confusion and low on supplys. about 300 of the 500 men were ready to fight , and on december 5th they launched their attack. as casualties and injurys increased on both sides , the battle raiged on for 5 days. the fighting finaly stopped when cos hoisted a white flag of surroundered.
  • battle of the alamo

    battle of the alamo
    then came the news of santa annas arivial in sanantonio on febuwary 23 and the beginning of the 13 day seige of the alamo.
  • the texas decleration of independence was adopted

    the texas decleration of independence was adopted
    finaly the delegates setup the provisional government in texas .
  • texas declares independence

    texas declares independence
  • fall of the alamo

    fall of the alamo
  • the runaway scrape

    the runaway scrape
  • battle of coleto creek

    battle of coleto creek
  • goliad massacure

    goliad massacure
  • battle of san jacino

    battle of san jacino
  • the end of the runwawy scrape

    the end of the runwawy scrape