
Leading up to the Civil war.

  • Settlers sold the slaves as servants

    English settlers in virgina purchase 20 aftricans from dutchships . and then they were sold as servants not slaves.
  • Massachetts

    Massachetts bay colony legalizes slavery.
  • Virgina

    Virgina legalizes slavery .
  • Maryland becomes the first colony to enact laws that reconizing slavery for life.

  • Virgina

    Virgina passes a law revoking the prior english law that allowed for slaves that converted to christanty to become free
  • The colonies declare independence.

    The colonies declare independence from english rule with the adoption of decleration independence.
  • Vermonth

    Vermonth an american colony still not a state is the first goverment to abolish slavery
  • Massachesetts abolishes slavery

    Massachesetts abolishes slavery and grants voting rights to blacks and native americans .
  • Constitutional convention in philladelphia delegates debates whearther congress should halt importation of slaves.

    South carolina and georgia delegates threatned that their would not join the new union being planned. Congress passes the the 35th clause starting that each slave is to be counted as 35th a person for calculationg rep. in congress. this act strengthns the power in the house of re. for slave states.
  • Congress passes the northwest ordiance,

    Congress passes the northwest ordiance, preventing from existing in the new federal territories.
  • Vermont becomes the 14th state.

    and enters the union as a free state. it was the first state to be admitted after the adoption of the consitution by the 13 orginal states.
  • Slave Gabriel prosser lead a group of armed slaves.

    she lead them in the rebellion his plan involved seizing capitol square in richmond virgina and taking govenor james monroe as a hostage in order to bargin with city authorites from freedom.
  • Ohio

    becomes the 17th state and enters the union as a free state .
  • Congress

    Congress again raise tariffs with the tarrif ambomitions.
  • William Llyod Garrison

    William Garrison Publishes the first issue of the ablitionis journal the liberator, organizes and army and declar the tariffs null and void.
  • Slavery

    Slavery abolished throughout the british Empire
  • Kansaas neb. act.

    The kansas neb act passes congress and overturns the missouri compormise opening the northern territory to slavery .
  • Massachutts Senator.

    charlses sumner delivers a speech attatcking slavery supporters in senate.
  • Abram Lincoln

    Inaugrated as sixteenth president of the united states view Lincoln's first Inaugrul address.
  • Arkanas secedes

    Arkanas secedes from the union.
  • Tennessnee

    Tennessnee secdes from the union.