Leadership Moments

  • Mahatma Gandhi

    Mahatma Gandhi
    His ability to move large masses of people and make all those people fight for a goal, a common goal, in this case, the freedom and independence of a nation like India. he began to lead a battle against the English government, to free his people from oppression. The charisma and know-how of this transformational leader, who was leading by example, were two of the most outstanding qualities of this historical character, who rose up against unjust laws and tried to change the established system.
  • Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela
    Wait for opportunities, demonstrating long-term vision. He raise the two challenging fists that made him a leader the ability to forgive, which brought to the professional field would imply accepting the mistakes of others, gave him the loyalty of those who worked alongside him. He learned from mistakes and was cautious and generous. In addition, he had excellent negotiating skills, which led him to reach agreements in which everyone felt they were winning.
  • Martin Luther King

    Martin Luther King
    Demonstrating total commitment to a cause is essential to success in it. The sacrifices that this commitment to the cause entails both personally and professionally are often not easy to assume, which is one of the reasons why professionals fail.
    The second lesson is related to innovating, breaking established beliefs as the basis for achieving change.
    Communication was the third of its virtues. Turning the dream into action, convincing others to join it, is the only way to make it come true.
  • Isabel II

    Isabel II
    Elizabeth II's leadership skills are unquestionable and go far beyond the political ideas or trends of the last decades. Charismatic, excellently well trained in leadership and management, and highly qualified to deal with all fronts of a powerful country, she is one of the most influential world leaders in recent years.
    By the way, if you want to know the secrets of some of the leaders like those mentioned in this article, be sure to download the ebook: "The secrets of leadership."
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs
    One of the most controversial in terms of his leadership and business management style. He is routinely portrayed as a tough but close boss. He went on to say "my job is not to get along with people, but to get them to do better and better", as a defense against criticism of being a cruel and tyrannical boss. Despite this, his collaborators adored him, because he conveyed to them the purpose of what they were doing, so turnover in his company was one of the lowest in the sector.