1000509261001 2033463483001 mahatma gandhi a legacy of peace

Leader timeline

  • Gandhi becomes a lawyer

    Gandhi becomes a lawyer
    When Gandhi becomes a lawyer, he becomes persistent and Realistic because taking a task that will be hard but good for him.
  • Gandhi rebels against english in south africa

    When Gandhi rebels peacefully against the soldiers in South Africa, he proves to be courages because he was going to be sent to jail.
  • Gandhi arrives to India

    When Gandhi arrives to India, he proves to be a big thinker because he ignores what the English say about him and his rules.
  • Gandhi making people laugh

    Gandhi always cared about others, that´s why he used his sense of humor to make people (normally peasants) laugh a bit. Plus he was always smiling
  • Gandhi decides to make the Salt March

    When Gandhi does the Slat march, he proves to be a risk taker because when he did this it would be very probable that he would go to jail and be treated badly by the Englishman.
  • Gandhi stops eating

    When Gandhi makes a hunger strike he proves to be a change master, because he does this to stop the fght between Indians and Pakistan people in order to help them both.
  • andhi acknowledges his power

    Gandhi acknowledges his power over many people, and because of this he rejects the idea of Gandhism and instead said that he was like anyone else and simply wanted to help his country.
  • Gandhi has a Malaria attack

    Even though Gandhi suffered from loosing his wife and having a Malaria attack, he still remained posotive and wanted to keep helping his country India.
  • Gandhi decides to seperate India and Pakistan

    Even though Gandhi did not agree with this, he compromised and let the two nations divide by agreeing on certain peace treaties.Thanks to this, it is obvious that he took good decisions and knew how to compromise.
  • Gandhi even though is 78, keeps helping people

    At the end of his life, Gandhi stays committed to his work and he still tries to help decrease problems with Indians and Pakistanis. Even though Gandhi is 78 he works as if he was 25 and he never stop trying to help India.