Lead up to world war 2 and world war 2

  • Period: to

    World War 2 Timeline

    The lead up to world war 2 - The end of world war 2
  • Treaty of Versallies

    Treaty of Versallies
    The Treaty of Versailles was made during the Paris peace Conference. It meant Germany was force to pay back a large sum of money. Germany also lost land and their armed forces.
  • Great Depression in Germany

    Great Depression in Germany
    The 1920's brought the Great Depression for germany. The Treaty of Versailles had crippled Germany economically. Most local businesses were bankrupt. Early 1930 showed that 1 in 3 german workers were out of work.
  • Adolf Hitler's Promises

    Adolf Hitler's Promises
    By 1932 the German people were sick of living in the conditions that the Depression had brought. They were looking for someone to change that and Adolf Hitler was that man.
    Hitler had made promises during the lead up to the election:
    To build up the armed forces
    To provide work for all
    and to finally tear up the Treaty of versailles
  • Hitler Becomes Prime Minster

    Hitler Becomes Prime Minster
    Hitler became Primes Minster of germany in January 1933. Soon after concentration camps were opened.
  • German army rebuilt

    German army rebuilt
    Hitler began to rebuild the German army. He started by creating an air force and building war ships.
  • President Hindenburg dies

    President Hindenburg dies
    President Hindenburg died in early 1934. Hitler took his role as president. Hitler who had declared himself as the Fuhrer (Leader) had given his Nazi party complete controll over media and education.
  • German troops enter the Rhineland

    German troops enter the Rhineland
    Hitler ordered troops into the Rhineland. Even though this was against the treaty of versailles . Even when Hitler sent the troops into the rhinelands france did nothing in order to keep the peace. Hitler also made alliances with Japan and Italy.
  • Taking back lost land

    Taking back lost land
    Hitler now wanted the land back that he had lost. The first lot of land was Austria. Hitler did this by forcing Austria's leader Schushnigg to hold a vote on wheather the people of austria wanted to became part of Germany.Hitler got his way 99% of people voted yes.
  • Lost land Reclaimed

    Lost land Reclaimed
    later on in 1938 Hitler wanted part Czechoslovakia to become part of Germany.The leader of Czechoslovakia asked for help from Britain and France but was refused. Hitler got what he wanted as they agreed to give Hitler the land.
  • Invasion of Czechoslovika

    Invasion of Czechoslovika
    Hitler invaded the rest of Czechoslovika. At this point France and Britain still did nothing. But they warned if he invaded Poland they would declare war.
  • Hitler invades Poland

    Hitler invades Poland
    September 1st Hitler invades Poland .
  • War is Declared

    War is Declared
    France and Britain declare war after Germany invades Poland.
  • The Phoney War

    The Phoney War
    Even though war had been declared there was no fighting. France and Britain had not yet sent troops to Poland. This stage of the war was known as The Phoney War.
  • Denmark and Norway invaded

    Denmark and Norway invaded
    Hitler invaded Norway and Denmark . France was now in Hitler's sights. In May germany turns on France. France surrendered on june 21 1940.
  • The Rats of Tobruk

    The Rats of Tobruk
    Italy finally entered the war on germany's side. They planned to invade Egypt. But British and Australian troops intervined and stopped Italy and held on to Tobruk. The men their were described as being trapped as rats.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    After Germany defeated France. Hitler's next target was Britain. Hitler attacked the English air force, but failed. He changed tatics to attack Britains big citied this was known as the Blitz. But after another fail Germany gave up and moved on to Russia.
  • The Start of the end

    The Start of the end
    Hitlers tatics were turned on him when the allied forces invaded Germany. Germany had no choice but to surrender.
  • Hitlers death

    Hitlers death
    Hitler had commited suicide with his wife Eva Braun. The two were found in his bunker.
  • War is over

    War is over
    Germany officially surrendered.