Sbcoe logo   november 2015

LCAP Workshops 2016-2017

  • LCAP Workshop Plan

    For the 2017-2018 LCAP development, we will meet monthly, either in person or virtually, to accomplish the completion of your LCAP by June 7th.
  • LCAP needs assessment

    Please repsond to this survey prior to attending our first workshop meeting. Please note the pre meeting work.
  • SMARTer Goals

    Our first face to face meeting to review & revise the district's goals.
  • Program Evaluation

    This month we will practice evaluating the effectiveness of programs in place. In this evaluation we will consider justification and outcome of the expense.
    Prior to this meeting please complete the 'Currently Programs in Use' Google survey that will be shared with the others in the drive for their reference.
  • Identifying Metrics and addressing Stakeholder engagement

    This month's focus is about stating data within your LCAP. We will take the time to identify and input specific data in your expected and actual outcomes. This will ensure a comprehensive view of past data compared to present data, while lending to consideration of program changes.
    During this month you will detail all the stakeholder information, meeting dates and survey results to ensure that you have addressed all that are essential to the LCAP development.
  • Template & Eval Rubrics

    Introduce the template and rubrics. If time allows:This month will accommodate you looking aback at what we have worked on thus far. This day will be work time, as well as a pre-submission day for the county office to look over your plan's progress. Feedback will be provided individually at this meeting, if necessary, one-on-one meetings will be arranged.
  • Budget Analysis

    This month the county office's CBO will be in attendance to provide information and support about the monetary components of the LCAP. Please plan to establish your Supplemental Concentration amount and MPP.
  • Addressing the unduplicated population

    Careful consideration will be taken this month to ensure that Foster Youth, English Learners, Social-Economically Disadvantaged and Special Education students are being amply provided for.
  • Program decisons and Draft LCAP

    During this month we will analyze program effectiveness and make decision about next steps.
    A draft of the LCAP will be submitted
  • Last minute polishing & prep for board review

    At this meeting we will take time for last minute polishing, open work time and initial review of your LCAP. Upon the conclusion of this meeting your LCAP should be submitted for approval. As needed, individual meetings may be established for final fixes prior to June 7th.
  • Celebration of LCAP approval!

    Celebration of LCAP approval!
    We survived and have fabulous LCAPs to post online! BUT before you go please provide feedback on this year's process so we can improve upon it for next year.