
Laws that created the holocaust

  • Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor

    Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor
    The Nazi party gets control over german state.
  • First concentration camp

    First concentration camp
    it was opened in Dachau. It was the first regular camp made by the Nazis. In a year it hed up to about 4,800 prisoners.
  • Combining positions

    Combining positions
    Hitler combinds the chancellor and presedent to become "fuhrer". whitch means a ruthless leader.
  • Hitler signs a non aggression pact with poland

    Hitler signs a non aggression pact with poland
    They signed it becayse they we afraide of the nazis
  • Jews banned

    Jews banned
    Jews get banned from serving in the military. there was about 10,000 jewish men and wemen fighting for whatever but hitler released them all.
  • Olympic games begin in Berlin

    Olympic games begin in Berlin
    Hitler and Nazis seek to gain leadership through favorable public opinion from foreign visitors and temporarily hold back from actions against Jews.
  • Jews are banned from many professional occupations

    Jews are banned from many professional occupations
    Jews are banned from many professional occupations including teaching Germans and from being accountants or dentists they are also denied taxs and other paying things