Brown v. Board of Education
While not directly linked to the issue of special needs, this event is the groundbreaking court ruling which begins to path the way and lay the foundation for equal opportunity in public schools -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Arguably one of the first pieces of legislation directed at disadvantaged Youths. Provides Federal funds to ensure equal opportunity for quality education. https://socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu/programs/education/elementary-and-secondary-education-act-of-1965/ -
Mills v. Board of Education
Court case which had children who were identified as Mentally Retarded, emotionally disturbed, or hyperactive whom were denied services which could have addressed their needs.- Determined that their right to a fair education was infringed upon
- Found in favor of plaintiffs and school was ordered to mandate and allocate funds to accommodate
Education for all Handicapped Children Act
Public schools must provide equal education and a meal a day to children with both physical and mental disabilities https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/STATUTE-89/pdf/STATUTE-89-Pg773.pdf -
Handicapped Children Protection Act
- Implemented Individual Education Plan (IEP
- Improves parent involvement in development
- gives parents rights to appeal to state agencies if they feel development is not accurately reported
Timothy W v. Rochester, NH School District
Ruled that under IDEA, school boards are to provide SPED services to students REGARDLESS of severity of Disability.- School Board met to decide if he was "educationally handicapped"
- was supported by doctors that because he was able to respond to sounds and other forms of stimulus deeming him capable of equal educational opportunity.
Individuals with Disabilities Eduction Act (IDEA)
- Ensures Students with Disabilities are provided free, appropriate education tailored to their needs.
- Designed to place more focus on the individual
- Ensures Students with Disabilities are provided free, appropriate education tailored to their needs.
IDEA Amendments of 1997
- expanded definition of Disability to include Developmentally Delayed (DD)
- authorized funding for professional development and technology, along with parent training and funding for toddlers and infants
- Allows parents to mediations between schools and education agencies
No Child Left Behind Act
- Required States to develop basic skills assessments
- provided incentives to schools who showed progress with Disabled students.
- Pushed schools to end inclusion based classes.
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
- Allocated funds for Areas of education in the following Special Education areas
- $12.2 Billion to IDEA Special Education
- $2.1 Billion to head Start
- $650 Million to Technology
- $250 Million to analyze student performance