Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
It was unconstitutional for educational institutions to segregate children by race. -
Multiple Laws were passed
This is the first time that teachers who worked with deaf, hard-of-hearing or intellectually disabled students were trained.
Multiple laws were passed, granting funds for special education students. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
Inequality of educational opportunity for underprivileged children.
"Establish a gran program to assist states in the initiation, expansion, and improvement of programs and projects for the education of handicapped children." -
P.L. 91-230
Education of the Handicapped Act.
An effort to encourage states to develop educational programs for individuals with disabilities. -
Rehabilitation Act Section 504
A civil rights law to prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in programs and activities, public and private, that receive federal financial assistance. -
P.L. 94-142 IDEA
Education for the Handicapped Act 1975.
Guaranteed a free appropriate public education to each child with a disability.
Six purposes, assure that all children with disabilities have a free appropriate public education (FAPE); rights for children and their parents are protected; assist States and localities to provide education for children with disabilities and assure and assess the effectiveness of the education to children with disabilities; (LRE) least restrictive environment and (IEP). -
P.L. 99-457 Education of the Handicapped Act (EHA)
Education of the Handicapped Act includes a national agenda to offer better services to young special needs children and their families. -
P.L. 101-476 IDEA amendments
Rename the legislation Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.
Individual Transition Plan (ITP) needs to be in the Individual Education Plan (IEP) and add two more services, social work and rehabilitation counseling.
Autism and brain injury as two different disabilities. -
P.L. 105-17 IDEA amendment 1997
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act amendments of 1997; disabled children include developmentally delayed children between 3 and 9 years of age.
Parents can resolve disputes through mediation between schools and Local Educational Agencies. -
NCLB No Child Left Behind amendments to IDEA
Amendments to IDEA P.L. 94-142
3-year IEPs on a trial basis when parents continually agree.
Requirement for evaluating children with learning disabilities.
Added concrete provisions to discipline of special education students.
RTI interventions are based on research-based interventions. -
P.L. 108 - 446 Reauthorization of IDEA
Amendments to P.L. 94-142.
Highly qualified teachers.
Pilot program where states can develop and implement 3-year IEP.
Schools districts can use RTI instead of using the concept of "discrepancy formula" qualifying students with learning disability.
Short-term goals are no longer required in an IEP, only when students are taking alternative assessments. -
ESSA Every Student Success Act 2015
Reauthorized ESEA.
Replace NCLB.
Modified standardized tests and requires that students with disabilities take the same assessments as other students.