Brown v. Board of Education (BoE)
Brown v. Board of Education was a huge turning point for education. Not only is this case a landmark for slowing discrimination, but it also helped schools develop equality for all students. This case involved an African American student who was being sent many miles to a "colored school" rather than a "white school" that was right across the street. -
ESEA 1965
ESEA, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act required schools to provide funding for primary and secondary education students who were affected by the war on poverty. This law was signed into place by Lyndon B. Johnson. -
P.A.R.C. and Mills
During this case, it was found that mentally retarded children were being excluded and not given a chance in schools to learn what was needed for them to succeed in life. These students had been banned from schools and even expelled for not being able to perform due to disabilities. This law established the right for all handicapped persons the right to education. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975
This act not only allowed children with disabilities to receive an education, but began holding educators legally responsible for not providing education to these children. The government found that not even 50% of disabled children were receiving the education they needed to become successful member of society. This law forced it upon schools to help these children. -
IEP or Individual Education Plan is a plan that each and every special needs student has. It is a plan that was created by members of an education board that states the individual needs of the student, and how these needs will be met. This was very important to keep track of progress and to make sure schools truly did work on these students. -
Board of Education v. Rowley
This case came about when a deaf child was not provided a translator by her school. The parents filed a lawsuit against the school, and it was not up to the school to provide a translator as long as a student was receiving equal and public education. -
Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)
A government legislation that provides all children with help and the education that fits their needs for free. -
No Child Left Behind
No Child Left Behind was a program that created goals that better fit individuals and states rather than a nationwide goal that was difficult for some students to meet. -
Reauthorization of the IDEA
This law was an improvement of the previous law IDEA which made schools require teachers who were specifically Special Education certified and allowed them to begin working immediately. -
M.C. v. Antelope Valley Union School District.
This recent case was between the mother of a child who was rendered blind, and the school would not allow the student to be given what is known as a FAPE, or free appropriate public education. But, since there are now many laws in place fighting for children with special needs, the district was found to have violated some of the safeguards put into place by IDEA.