1754 BCE
Code of Hammurabi
Hammurabis code was one of the first deciphered writings in the history of Canadian law. The original partial copy of it stands at 2.25 metres tall. Basing laws off of the saying “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” the accuser would have to provide evidence against the accused to make that true. Examples of cases that used Hammurabis code is if someone were to kill someone else’s son or daughter the accused would lose a family member due to this code. -
Magna Carta
The Magna Carta was drafted by the Archbishop of Centerbury to make peace with the unpopular king.It promised protection of church rights , protection for barons from illegal imprisonment, access to swift justice and limitations on feudal payments to the crown. they named it Magna Carta to distinguish it from the small charter of forest. The Magna Carta is a main part of our legal system now and bases the system everyone is innocent until proven guilty . -
Quebec Act
The Quebec Act being passed gave French Canadians complete religious freedom and restored the french from of civil law. This act was also known as the North America act. the act caused province territory to expand and take over the Indian reserve and also guaranteed free practice of the catholic faith. -
Indian Act
the Indian Act is still in force with amendments today. It defines how the reserves and bands can operate and act, sets our rules for governing Indian reserves. This act replaced any laws on a topic passed by local legislator before the province joined Canada. -
Statute of West Minister
This act was an act of the parliament of the United Kingdom, there are modified versions that are domestic laws within Australia and Canada. This is a statutory embodiment of equality and common alligence to the crown. the relevance of today is it sets the basis for continuing a relationship between the common wealth and the crown. -
Charter of Rights
The Charter of Rights is a bill of rights entrenched in the constitution of canada, it forms the first part of the constitution act. The charter guarantees certain political rights to Canadian citizens and civil rights to everyone in Canada. After World War II there was a movement that influenced the charter, it was a movement for freedom rights and human rights. multiple cases that would violate the charter are hate speech, discrimination, racism and sexism. -
Constitution Act
This act is apart of the Constitution of Canada, this was canada’s process of patriating the constitution, introducing several amendments to the British North America act. It guarantees all rights to the aboriginal people of Canada. the Constitution Act gave canada full power over its own Constitution separating from Britain.