Fall 2016 First Steps Spotted
Oakley teachers had little training in technology and few devices for student use. This was a first step in bringing more technology to our Oakley students. Teachers grades 3-5 trained on Google platform over 2 days.
They learned about Google Docs, Classroom, Slides, and many apps that they could use with their students. Each participant received 7 Chromebooks to use in their classrooms. -
Grades K-2 Get Their Spot
The remaining teachers, grades K-2, received Google training also, and one Chromebook for teacher and classroom use. More devices will be added next year, according to the District technology plan. Sites will be purchasing additional devices, too. -
Our Current Spots
Participation in Hour of Code--Ozobots--New MakerSpace in the library--Google Classroom in use--Tech Challenge Game for teachers...These are all ways in which our teachers have increased their use of technology for themselves and their students! Teachers are sharing their lessons that incorporate technology as a tool for learning. We are supporting each other as we take risks, embrace new learning, and move forward. -
A Spot of Training
Professional Development for Teachers on blended learning, gamification, digital leadership, and digital citizenship. These topics and others have been added to our professional development schedule. Some of the training will take place across the district, and some will be site-specific. Digital citizenship is a district focus, for example, and training will take place on one of our District Staff Development Days. -
Which Spot To Begin With?
Using what they learned from the PD, teachers collaborate to select an area of interest to explore with their classes. Teachers are expected to implement the training they receive, such as Google classroom. Many teachers are using that regularly. Teachers share their lessons with their peers at staff meetings. They offer support to each other. -
Leopards Go Out On A Limb
Teachers share their journey so far with colleagues. Our teachers are developing a culture of technology as they ask for help and give help to others. We have a technology specialist teacher at each site who holds Tech Tip Time for all teachers, as well as helps colleagues on an individual basis. We also have a District technology coach who offers a wide range of supports. -
Period: to
Spot On!
We will, of course, continue to expand our technology devices, applications, and training for both teachers and students. We are implementing the Common Sense Media digital citizenship curriculum for the 2017-18 school year, for example. We are looking in to Smart TV's and other hardware to move our district forward with technology for the benefit of our students as they acquire the necessary technology skills to be successful -
A Spot Of Shopping
We are in the process of adding to our hardware on site.With the help of our wonderful PTA, we are acquiring additional devices for use in classrooms. 60 Chromebooks, 30 Kindle Fires, and charging carts/boxes are on the list for purchase and will be in classrooms soon. -
Can You Really Change Your Spots?
Teachers begin to participate in "Change Your Spots," a site-based weekly PD with Laurel's technology specialist. This is a casual setting, where teachers come to get new information for use in their classrooms as well as to ask questions and find support as needed. We are changing our culture in the area of technology. Teachers are embracing the new and are less fearful because of this added support and enthusiasm.