Laura Kaska's Personal Timeline

By lkaska
  • Biosocial: Happy Birthday to Me!!

    On this day, I was born at Mecosta County General Hospital in Big Rapids, Michigan
  • Biosocial: Crawling

    Started to crawl, although in an unusual way. I crawled while dragging my head on the ground.
  • Cognitive: First Words: 'Ma ma'

    Uttered first distinguishable words... 'ma ma'.
  • Biosocial: First Steps

    After worry that I could have cerebal palsy (apparently I crawled while dragging my head on the floor for many months), doctors realized I had a really bad ear infection. I had ear tubes placed and walked later that afternoon!
  • Biosocial: Learned to swim

    We had a pool in our backyard. I learned to swim early!
  • Psychosocial: Developed into a very picky eater

    My mom thinks this is when I first started to become a very picky eater. I remember only eating macaroni and cheese and grilled cheese sandwiches for a very long time.
  • Cognitive: First attempts at reading

    According to my mom, I was beginning to read words at this age. She attributes this to the fact that I had three older siblings who were reading.
  • Cognitive: First Day of Kindergarten

    First day in school. I went to a Lutheran school with a very small class size (14 kids inmy graduating class). Fondest memories of Kindergarten are nap time and play time!
  • Cognitive: First experience with live birth

    I lived on a dairy farm. One day, while exploring the fields with my cousin, we noticed a cow giving birth. We didn't know what was wrong with the cow and explained it as 'a cow with two heads... one in front and one in back'!!
  • Psychosocial: Parent's Divorce

    My parent's announce their divorce... not such a big deal to me at the time. I actually was able to spend more time with my dad on weekend visits than I had before the divorce! This event was very difficult for my oldest sister who is 9 years older than me.
  • Psychosocial: Moved away from Farm and into 'town'

    After my parent's divorce, my mom, siblings and I moved into town and had to give our dog away. I remember this as a very traumatic event (probably worse than when I was told that my parent's were getting a divorce).
  • Biosocial: Developed Exercise Induced Asthma

    First real medical condition that required me to go to the hospital for breathing issues.
  • Biosocial: Major surgery

    Had emergency surgery for internal bleeding that almost cost me my life. Recovered well, with new lease on life!
  • Biosocial: Frst Gymnastics Competition

    I had been participating in gymnastics for about 8 years, but this was my first big competition. Nerves got the best of me, didn't do very well.
  • Cognitive: First day in PUBLIC High School

    This day created a lot of anxiety. I was changing from a school with 14 kids in my class to a school of 200 kids in my class.
  • Psychosocial: First Boyfriend

    This is my first experience with a boyfriend, he asked me to the Snowcoming Dance!
  • Psychosocial: First Break-Up

    My first boyfriend broke up with me in a letter... I was very devastated (for a few days anyway!).
  • Biosocial/Psychosocial: Joined Soccer Team

    Finally started to come out of my shell and joined the High School's girls soccer team. Became part of a groupof the team known as the 'Fab Five'. We were named this because there were 5 of us who played defense and worked very well together.
  • Psychosocial: First true Best Friend

    Found my first true best friend... a member of the opposite sex... who revealed to me in my college years that he is gay. I secretly had a huge crush on him all throughout high school, but had the feeling that he was gay.
  • Cognitive: Accepted into Honor's Program at Ferris State University

    Very excited to be in the Honor's Program. Most important aspect of this program to me was that I was required to live in the dorms rather than staying at home with my parents. Free at last!
  • Cognitive: High School Graduation

    Very exciting day, but apprehensive about my future in college.
  • Cognitive: First Day of College

    First day at Ferris State University. Even though the school was located in my home town, I lived in the dorms because it was a requirement of the Honor's Program there. I was secretly happy for this requirement because I wanted to be out of my mom's ever careful watch.
  • Psychosocial: Second Boyfriend: Future Husband

    Was dragged to a fraternity house by my then current best friend/suite mate. Ended up meeting my future husband there!
  • Cognitive: Graduated with Associates Degree

  • Psychosocial: Engaged

  • Biosocial: Graduated with B.S. in Nuclear Medicine

    Finished with school, or so I thought!
  • Psychosocial: Moved to Baltimore, MD with Fiance

    Moved away from all family to a big city with my fiance. Very stressful, but exciting!
  • Cognitive: First real job

    Landed my first job as a Nuclear Medicine Technologist at John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD! Great experience.
  • Psychosocial: Got Married

    Married my husband in a nice ceremony in Canadian Lakes, MI with lots of family and friends to celebrate with!
  • Psychosocial: Moved back to Michigan

    Thinking about starting a family, wanted to be back closer to family.
  • Biosocial: Found out I was pregnant!

    Pregnancy was good, not too much illness!
  • Biosocial: First Child Born

    Delivered my daughter after a typical labor. Very excited and scared when bringing her home for the first time!
  • Biosocial: Second Child Born

    Delivered my son! Very fast delivery, almost didn't make it to the hospital!
  • Cognitive/Psychosocial: Promoted to Diagnostic Director at work

    Moving up the ranks at work, although realized at this point there is nowhere else to go in my job.
  • Cognitive: Made Decision to Pursue P.A. School

    Decided to go back to school to pursue Physician Assistant School.
  • Cognitive: First Day in College as Non Traditional Student

    Return to the educational scene with 11 credits while still working full timeand caring for my family.
  • Psychosocial: My Grandfather's Death (Age 86)

    This was very hard for me to deal with. My grandfather was the first person in my family to pass away during my lifetime. He was a good guy and is missed everyday.
  • Cognitive: Celebrating End of Semester with 4.0!

    Very happy to see that I can still succeed in school while juggling the other aspects of my life!
  • Cognitive: Accepted into P.A. School at WSU!

    Yeah! Found out that I am one of 48 students that will be starting the P.A. Program this spring at WSU!
  • Psychosocial: Happy 10th Anniversary to me and my Husband

    Ten years, still no time or money for our honeymoon that we never took :(
  • Cognitive: Finish P.A. Program

    Finally done with probably the hardest thing I have accomplished academically as of yet.
  • Cognitive: First job as a P.A.

  • Biosocial: Happy 40th Birthday to Me!

    This birthday is a little bit tough, but still feel young at heart!
  • Psychosocial: My 'little' girl starts High School

    Just can't figure out where the time has gone... seems like just yesterday that she was starting Kindergarten!
  • Psychosocial: Happy 20th Anniversary to me and my husband!

    20 years of being happily married! We finally take our long overdue honeymoon.
  • Psychosocial: My 'baby' boy starts High School!

    This one hits me hard... my son is my little boy. Hard to believe that he has grown so independent.
  • Psychosocial: My daughter's High School Graduation

    As my daughter prepares for the start of her college education, I am feeling proud of her accomplishments so far.
  • Psychosocial: My Son's High School Graduation

    As my son prepares to move on from High School and start college, I am proud, yet can't help feeling sad for the loss of my children from my home.
  • Biosocial: The Start of Menopause

    At 47 I begin the Menopause process
  • Biosocial: Happy 50th Birthday to Me!

    Although I seem to be aging well, I feel the affects of arthritis settling in.
  • Psychosocial: First Grandchild

    My daughter has her first child after being married to her husband for two years.
  • Psychosocial: My Father's Death

    My dad passed away today from heart disease.
  • Psychosocial: Second Grandchild

    So happy to welcome my son's first child into this world.
  • Psychosocial: My Mother's Death

    My mom passed away today from complications due to her stomach problems.
  • Pschosocial: Retirement for My Husband and Me

    My husband and I decide to retire together so we can do some travelling that we never had time for when we were younger. Thankfully we were wise enough to save well throughout our careers.
  • Psychosocial: Happy 50th Anniversary to Me and My Husband

    While things in our lives have changed since the day we were married, we find that we love each other more now.
  • Psychosocial: My Husband's Death

    My husband passes away today. He is missed dearly.
  • Biosocial: My Death

    At the age of 90, I pass away in my sleep due to natural causes. I had managed to live in an assisted living home since my husband's death without the need to burden my children with my care needs.