Dwight D. Eisenhower becomes President
Dwight D. Eisenhower becomes president during the time of Sputnik -
Launch of Sputnik
President starts new Organization called Arpa
President Dwight D. Eisenhower starts a new organization called Arpa to help catch us up with Sputnik -
Ray Tomlinson starts the first email stystem
Apple Inc is founded
Apple is a company that sells elctronics like ipods and laptop computers and other fancy stuff. -
Tim Berners-Lee starts WWW
Tim Berners-Lee starts WWW (WORLD WIDE WEB) -
Marc Andreeson invents a graphical Browser
Google is created!
The web searching site called google is created by Larry page,Sergey Brin and other people idk -
Myspace is created
Facebook is created
Twitter is born