TIberius Gracchus Born
168 BCE- CLVIII- Tiberius Gracchus being born was important to the fall of the Roman Republic because Tiberius would grow up and try to run for office twice which was a major problem.
Tiberius Gracchus natabat in CLVIII. -
Gaius Gracchus Birth
154 BCE- CLIIII- Gaius Gracchus was killed by senate like his brother so that he could'nt run for office twice which helped with the downfall of the Roman Republic.
Gaius Gracchus natabat in CLIIII. -
The Third Punic War
149-146 BCE, CIL-CIIIIL BCE -The third Punic War brought many things to the Roman Republic. The War made it so that Rome had a lot of money and it made Tiberius Gracchus very greedy and led to his assasination.
Triens Punic Bellum arcessitus multum servum, divitiam, et pecuniam. -
Tiberius Gracchus's Death
133 BCE- CXXXIII- Tiberius Gracchus's death was important to the senate because if he wasn't killed then more people would've wanted to run for office twice.
Tiberius Gracchus clavabat ad morti. -
Tiberius Gracchus Runs for Office
133 BCE-CXXXIII- TIberius Gracchus runnig for office contributed to the fall of the Roman Republic because it opened up the possibility for someone to run for office twice which was not good!
Tiberius Gracchus currivit muno. -
Gaius Gracchus Runs for Tribune
123 & 122 BCE- CXXII & CXXIII- Gaius Gracchus running for office was not a good thing because it made him want to run for office a second time which led to the fall of the Roman Republic.
Gaius Gracchus currerit ob mani in CXXII & CXXIII. -
Gaius Gracchus Dies
121 BCE- CXXI- Gaius Gracchus's death inspired Caesar to run for office twice which led to the downfall of the Roman Republic.
Gaius Gracchus peririt. -
Marius Elected Consul
107 BCE- CVII- When Marius was elected consul he opened the army up to anyone which made the army over fill.
Marius designatavit consul in CVII. -
Spartacus led Slave Revolt
74 BCE- LXXIIII- Spartacus leading the slave revolt caused slaves to run loose and lots of farmers lost thier slaves and they couldn't farm anymore.
Spartacus ducerit servum descisco. -
Caesar Born
63 BCE- LXIII- Caesar's birth was important to the fall of the Roman Republic because he would later become the dictator for life.
Julius Caesar Agustus natabat. -
Caesar Went into Rome
49 BCE- IL- Caesar took his army into Rome to fight and they won a lot so they returned home with lots of money, riches, and slaves.
Caesar ducerit suus exceritem in Roma. -
Caesar Dies
44 BCE- IXL- Caesar was killed by Brutus and Cassius (and a whole bunch of other senators).
Caesar occiderbat. -
Second Triumvirant Formed
43 BCE- XXXXIII- The secound Trimvirant was formed by Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus. They held office together for 10 years.
Secundus Triumvirant fingerit.