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Latin American Revolutions

  • The Haitian Revolution

    The Haitian Revolution
    The revolution began with the slaves killing their masters. Then Toussaint L'Ouverture became leader. The French brought 30,000 troops to take Toussaint’s power.
  • End Of The Haitian Revolution

    End Of The Haitian Revolution
    Later Toussaint agreed to halt the revolution, but he later was put into prison and died. Therefore his lieutenant and Jean-Jacques took over to declare independence to Haiti from the French.
  • The Mexican Revolution

    The Mexican Revolution
    The Revolution began because Padre Miguel Hidalgo started a group to go against the spanish men.
  • The South American Revolution

    The South American Revolution
    It started off with Venezuela declaring its independence from Spain. Later Bolivar lead and attack on the Spaniards in the Andes.
  • End of The Mexican Revolution

    End of The Mexican Revolution
    Miguel Hidalgo was later defeated by Jose Maria Morelos, that was later defeated by another person which declared independence from Spain.
  • The Brazilian Revolution

    The Brazilian Revolution
    The royal Portugal family took over Brazil and hid their treasures there.
  • End of the Brazilian Revolution

    The king’s son stayed in Brazil and wanted to make it a colony, but the Brazilians couldn't do that so the creoles demanded their own independence. They eventually got independence.
  • End Of The South American Revolution

    End Of The South American Revolution
    The Spanish continued threatening other places in South America such as Chile and Peru. San Martin joined Chile and Peru’s armies and fought back Spain and he freed the colonies.