optical telagrah
The chappe brothers invented the optical telagrah and their reason for creating this invention is deliver a series of light http://www.national-laser.com/laser-history.htm -
stimulated emission
Albert Einstein created the stimulated emission theory. the reason he created this theory is because it states a high energy atom, and a has photon of a certain wave length that another photon would be made. -
John baird made a invention thats called a T.V. and its a called a T.V. becuase it tranparents light arrays to images . -
Maser Conceived
Charles Hard Townes and his invention was a maser ( which is a microwave amplification to stimulated emission of radiation). Apa -
Nicolas Bloembergen of harvard University developes the microwave solid-state maser
http://www.national-laser.com/laser-history.htm -
First medical treatment
The first medical laser treatement was used by Dr. Charles J. Campbell. That laser (American Optical ruby laser) is used to destroy a retinal tumor. http://www.national-laser.com/laser-history.htm -
Infrared light
This device converts electrical energy into light ,but in oder to use this product it must be cryogenically cooled. http://www.national-laser.com/laser-history.htm -
Carbon dioxide laser
this invention works in the field of quantum electronics, The construction of oscillators and amplified based on the maser.
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Carbon dioxide laser
ivented by Kumar Patel at the bell Labs. It was the most powerful continuously operating laser. it is now used as a cutting tool in surgery and inductry.
http://www.national-laser.com/laser-history.htm -
dye lasers
Bernard sofffer and bill Mcfarland invent the tunable dye laser . -
first optical fiber
The first optical fiber with loss below 10 dB/km, It demonstrates the feasibility of fiber optics for telecommunitcations.
http://www.national-laser.com/laser-history.htm -
optical trapping
Arthur Ashkin invented the process by which atoms are trapped by laser light. Leads to significany advances un physics and biology.
http://www.national-laser.com/laser-history.htm -
engineers at laser diode in vented the telephone which has continuious - wave operation enables transmission of telephone conversations.