Period: to
Laser and fiber optics
Albert Einstien Therom
Albert Einstien proposes and idea or therom about simulated emmision. which means an atom which is highly energized. A photon. two wavelenghts that are the same would create energy of light. -
Charles Townes, James Gordon, and Herbert Zeiger developed a maser. Which are molecules of ammonia create radio waves. They created short wave lenghts. -
The idea of laser are introduceed
Townes and physicist Arthur Schawlow published a pare to the media about laser and fiber optics informing that it is possible. If light is refelcted back and forth will create amplified light. -
Operable laser
Theodore Maiman innvented the first laser now. It even produce a pulse of light. Gordon Gould also innvented a laser but is denied his patent. After 30 years he gains his patent. -
Glass Fiber
Elias Snitzer and Will Hicks innvented the first glass fiber with light inside. However scientist denied it because as the glass fiber went on , the lights starts to fade fast. -
Ruby laser
First time laser technology is useed on a patents to destroy a tumor. It was a sucess. -
Optical fibers
First opticla fibers that meet the standers. -
Chemical Vapor
John MacChesney and Paul O’Connor develop a chemical vapor that can mass produce glass. -
Telephone fiber optics trials
Telephone companies begin trials with fiber-optic links carrying live telephone traffic. -
Installing fiber optics
AT&T announces that it will install fiber-optic cable linking major cities between Boston and Washington, D.C. The cable was innvented to carry three different wavelengths through graded-index fiber. -
Fiber optics innovated
In fiber optics, each single mode fiber can carry 400 bits per second. -
fiber optic cable.
The first fiber optic CABLE is installed. Made out of copper it cost about 1 million dolloars per circut to install. The total cost was 361 million dollars to plan and install. 40,000 telephone calls at a time. -
Emmanuel Desurvire of Bell Laboratories, along with David Payne and P. J. Mears create amplifiers for the optics so they can carry 100 times more information -
Slowly becoming known
iber optics slowly become wide known. -
Links around the worlds
The Fiber Optic Link Around the Globe (FLAG) becomes the longest single-cable network in the world. FLAG operations center in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, before crossing the Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal, and Andaman Sea; through Thailand; and across the South China Sea to Hong Kong and Japan.