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Larry and Caesar's Journey

  • Caesar is Born

    Caesar is Born
    Caesar was born on November 13, 2014, in Albany, Oregon.
  • The Streets of Salem

    The Streets of Salem
    Larry and Caesar begin walking around the city of Salem, grabbing the attention of locals.
  • Period: to

    Volunteer Work

    Larry and Caesar do some of their proudest work when they visit nursing homes, birthday parties, and charity events at no cost.
  • Caesar the No Drama Llama

    Caesar the No Drama Llama
    Caesar is newly dubbed Caesar the No Drama Llama.
  • Caesar Gets Political

    Caesar Gets Political
    Larry and Caesar get involved by helping out with the 2018 General Election.
  • The Duo Get Busy

    The Duo Get Busy
    Larry and Caesar begin attending events regularly, offering free hugs and selfies with the llama.
  • 2019 Women's March

    2019 Women's March
    The pair participate in the 2019 Salem Women's March.
  • Gaining Statewide Attention

    Gaining Statewide Attention
    Larry and Caesar gain the attention of the state when The Oregonian posts an article about their famous MAX ride.
  • Gaining Nationwide Attention

    Gaining Nationwide Attention
    The MAX train ride goes national when the New York Post picks it up.
  • Llamactivism

    The pair continue to be politically active. Pictured, Caesar at the Medicare for All rally in Salem.
  • Comic Book Cover

    Comic Book Cover
    Larry and Caesar appear on the cover of a comic book created by Portland cartoonist Jack Kent.
  • Social Media Popularity

    Social Media Popularity
    Caesar the No Drama Llama gains more attention on social media, reaching 6,000 friends on Facebook.
  • Caesar's 5th Birthday

    Caesar's 5th Birthday
    Caesar turns 5 on Aug. 13 and holds a birthday bash with almost 1000 people in attendance.
  • Caesar's Best Friend

    Caesar's Best Friend
    Caesar befriends Ava Lynn, a local teen enduring terminal cancer while keeping on a fierce face.
  • Celebrity Attention

    Celebrity Attention
    Caesar grabs the attention of actor Ryan Reynolds.
  • Black Lives Matter Protests

    Black Lives Matter Protests
    The pair attend BLM protests in Portland, easing tensions between both sides.
  • The Kelly Clarkson Show

    The Kelly Clarkson Show
    Larry and Caesar are invited to be live guests on the Kelly Clarkson Show.
  • More National Attention

    More National Attention
    The pair are featured in The Washington Post for their work at Portland BLM protests.
  • International Opportunities

    International Opportunities
    Larry and Caesar are approached with an opportunity for a German TV production company.
  • Ava Lynn's Legacy

    Ava Lynn's Legacy
    The duo host the 1st Annual AvaLynn Memorial Blood Drive in memory of Ava.
  • The Journey Continues

    The Journey Continues
    Larry and Caesar will be continuing their work for as long as they can, along with their 15,800 Facebook friends and 13,000 Instagram followers.