My mother had High Blood Pressure could cause premature birth, and a lack of blood flow to me and a lack of nutrients, and placental abruption.
She was high stressed because she was a young single mother that did not get much support from my father and her family. This could also cause a premature birth.
I was born on my due date. -
Birth to 2-years-old
In my Sensorimotor stage, I met what was normal for my age, my family remember I was a "good baby." By January 1991 I had a little brother. -
Parent's got married
My parent's finally got married in a Church in Red Lake, AZ. They have been married since. -
Our 1st home!
I remember this being somewhat of a shack, There was no running water, but I remember I was not afraid, unhappy, or anything like that. We didn't have much but my parents did the best they could. I do remember seeing them stressed at times. -
2 to 5-years-old
In this point in time, it would be my Preoperational stage. I loved to draw, talk to my uncle about science and numbers. I played with my two little brothers, and another little brother was on the way. I had a preschool teacher that would visit our home, and eventually went to an actual preshool. -
Third and final (?) brother was born.
My youngest brother was born, completing our group of misfits. -
Great loss...
When my grandfather passed away, it was hard. He took care of me while my parents were in school and worked their minimum wage jobs. When I had nightmares I went to him. I can remember smelling beer on him, he didn't drink around me but I remember the smell. I remember my mom asked me to tell him to "Please stop drinking" and hug him. I wasn't fully aware why he sometimes smelled funny and why he was gone sometimes. Until one day it took him away from me permanently. -
A nicer home
We had finally gotten a "home." Where I had my own room, we had a yard, storage rooms, I could plant things, a swing, a wabbly playhouse, and we could keep pets. That house was better than what we had grown up with. I can't remember the exact date we moved in. -
We moved to a nicer home.
My mom was able to get a somewhat bigger home than before. It had a bigger kitchen, living room, and two bathrooms instead of one. It was in a more open area instead of intown. I didn't really want to move at first. I didn't change schools, we just lived further out of town in a newer home. -
5 to 12-years-old
In this time, this would mostly have been the Concrete Operational stage. Majority of this time I would be in school learning time, space and quantity can be applied but not as independent concepts.
By age 12, we would have moved 8 times, and by this time I understood how education can be benefical in having a better way of life. -
Young Woman
I had been a tomboy most of my life, and my parents didn't mind it much, but when I became a young woman then they wanted me to act more like a lady. They didn't want me to play with boys and tried to put me more into a gender role of woman. I did not like it more and more over the next couple years and rebeled against them. I felt I was capable of what men can do, and didn't want to be stuck in a kitchen and cleaning up after capable boys. -
Started High School
I am a Lady Warrior, I've participated in our M.C.J.R.O.T.C. Drill Team, Cross Country, and Softball. I loved sports and school. -
Rebellious stage
I caused my parents heartache at this time. I didn't mean to be so rebellious to them, but I did not like being treated so different because I am a women. One thing they did was joke with my brothers about girls, and I was told not to date until I'm 30 and done with college. It was not fair, so I ditched school with my ex-boyfriend, snuck out at night to get out of the four walls that contained me in. I didn't drink or do drugs, I just got way from a stuffy place to look at the cosmos. -
Suburbia: Anthem, AZ
By this time I was tired of moving homes, and I didn't want to leave the friends I have made to live in a place completely foreign from what I've known. I did not want to live in a cookie-cut suburb. Those kids would have not experienced what I've experienced, they would have everything they want, I didn't know if they would treat me differently because I'm Native American in a dominantly white community. It was a scary change, but I made friends, still met racism but I'm stronger. -
Back to Tuba CIty, AZ
After making friends in Anthem, I didn't want to move AGAIN. This time I moved back to Tuba City, to live with my paternal grandparents in order to graduate high school on time. Previous bad choices in my rebeling stage, and the move left me a year behind. So I worked extra hard to graduate on time, and worked a full-time job to support myself. Mostly to pay for a senior trip to Hawaii. It wasn't easy but I did it. -
Going to college!
I recieved an email before the actual letter, but I was on top of the world happy. I couldn't wait to tell my parents. I originally wanted to join the Marines, but something my Mom told me struck me hard. She said, "I did not raise you and love you, to sign your life away to a government that doesn't care about you." She gave me life, she did do her best by me, I owed her to try college. -
12 to 18-years-old
Formal Operations stage
I've been to several summer camps, thinking about my future career and the possibilies.
I got my first job when I was 12, working with the elderly.
I became rebellious and independent from my parents.
I was planning on joining the Marines, but went to college instead.
I fell in love with my husband, he's my High School sweetheart.
We've traveled the U.S., even Hawaii, but not together. -
Husband <3
My partner in crime since 2007. I wasn't planning on being in a relationship at this time, but he was too good of a person to come by to let go. He was a volunteer Firefighter at the age of 17, risked his young life for no pay, and wasn't even being fed. He also took pride in becoming an uncle. Very poor, but he knew what actual wealth was: love and family. He is a great man and I've loved him since. -
Fort Lewis College
In college I was involved with SPC, A.I.S.E.S., and the Environmental Center. I had tons of fun. :) -
My son <3
The sweetest boy I know, was born. He had a healthy pregnancy, was two days past his due date but decided to let me know he was ready one early morning. Everything was fine unti they had to preform and emergency C-section. Scariest moment of my life, but he made it out ok and has been a great blessing. -
My Daughter <3
Healthy pregnancy, but she was born 5 days past her due date. While at the hospital to get induced, she decided to come on her own. She's such a dork, and independent. Her and her brother are so close, I think think they developed their own language together at one point.