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The Laser Over Years

By Mrs.Mya
  • Albert Einstein first theorized the laser

    The name LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. He theorized the process which makes lasers possible called "Stimulated Emission."
  • Gordon Gould laser

    Gordon Gould started to build his optical laser in 1958. He failed to file for a patent his invention until 1959, but it was refused and his technology was exploited by others. Finally in 1977 Gordon Gould won his patent war and receive his first patent.
  • Ruby Laser by Theodore Maiman

    Theodore Maiman invented the ruby laser which was considered the first successful optical or light laser.
  • Gas Laser by Ali Javan

    The gas laser or (helium neon) was the first continuous-light laser and the first laser to operate by converting electrical energy to a laser light output.
  • Robert Hall - Semiconductor Injection Laser

    He created a innovative type of laser that is still used in many electronic appliances and communications systems used today.
  • Kumar Patel - Carbon Dioxide Laser

    In 1964 he discoved the action on the vibrational-rotational transitions of carbon dioxide and his invention in the laser, this led to his series of experiments which demonstrated the carbon dioxide laser was capable of very high cw and pulsed power output at very high conversion efficiencies.
  • Doctor Steven Trokel - Excimer laser

    She patented the Excimer laser for vision correction. It was originally used for etching silicone computer chips in the 1970s., but in 1982 in the IBM research laboratories the potential of the Excimer laser in interacting with biological tissue was found.
  • Steven Trokel

    He made the connection to the cornea and performed the first laser surgery on a patient's eyes
  • The Excimer laser in U.S.

    In 1996, the first Excimer laser for ophthalmic refractive use was approved in the United States.
  • NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center - laser-powered aircraft.

    The team of researchers from NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., from NASA’s Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base in California, and from the University of Alabama in Huntsville all successfully flied the first laser-powered aircraft.
  • Rainer Blatt and Piet O. Schmidt - single-atom laser

    Their eam at the University of Innsbruck in Austria showed a single-atom laser with and without threshold behavior by tuning the strength of atom/light field coupling.