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Language learning

  • When I was born

    When I was born
    I was borned in Sabadell on 21st of December in 1999. When I borned my sister have 15 years old and my brother 16 years old.
  • When I say the first word

    When I say the first word
    Approximately I started to said some words that was "mama", when I have 14 months.
  • I started the school

    I started the school
    On 15 of Semptember in 2002 I started the school. I have two years because I still didn't reach three. And I the younger child in the claas. And with my friends I speak catalan and spanish.
  • I went to Paris

    I went to Paris
    I went to Disneyland and I was very excited because I want to saw the princess castle and the princess. And when I woke up a said good morning in French and learning some other words.
  • I went to Maderia, in Portugal

    I went to Maderia, in Portugal
    When I went to Maderia, my mum bought me a notebook and I wrote all the words that I learning in Portuguese. I remember some words, for example: presunto is ham.
  • I went to London

    I went to London
    I went to London with airplane. I went with my family: my parents, my uncles, my aunts and my cousin. I remember that I slept alone with my cousin in one hotel room and that was very funny. And I try to speak some English.
  • I went to Vitoria

    I went to Vitoria
    I went to Vitoria to visit my cousins that they live there. And they teach some words in Basque but I don't remember because it is very rare language.