Afrikaner Rebellion and National Party Established
“J.B.M. Hertzog founded the National Party in 1914, with support mainly from “poor whites” and militant intellectuals. The general election of 1915 gave the National Party 30 percent of the vote, with Afrikaners deserting the South African Party led by Botha and Smuts” -
Afrikaans replaces Dutch as the national language of South Africa
Once the national Party takes over, the language of the Afrikaners takes over as the national language, symbolizing their rise to power. -
Apartheid Begins
Apartheid was a “policy that governed relations between South Africa’s white minority and nonwhite majority and sanctioned racial segregation and political and economic discrimination against nonwhites. The implementation of apartheid, often called “separate development” since the 1960s, was made possible through the Population Registration Act of 1950, which classified all South Africans as either Bantu, Coloured, or white. A fourth category—Asian was later added.” -
Period: to
English and Afrikaans are national languages
The government made the formal
education of both English and Afrikaans mandatory for most students in school during this time. Although some were able to get around this by going to private school.