Events that led the creation of schools.
Lots of things had to happen for the public schools to be created. Plenty of modifications had to be done in order to better education. To this point still education is being improved. Such as when blacks and whites couldn't share the same classrooms. Or when only rich kids can afford to go to school and poor kids couldn't go, nowadays that doesn't happen. Until finally in 1827 schools were open to all children, no matter their economic status. -
Plessy Vs. Ferguson
Plessy Vs. Ferguson. In this case Homer refused to sit in Jim crow car and that led to brake a Louisiana law at the time. He argued that his rights were violated. Judge H. Ferguson alleged that doing this was going against the 13th and 14th amendment. And the decision was that no race should be separated or any race should feel inferior. And no citizens should be deprived of their privileges This decision was made under the doctrine "separated but not equal". -
Brown Vs. the Board of Education, Topeka
On May 17 of 1954 This case was brought up to court about segregation in public schools. That white and black students should be in different classrooms learning. Eventually the court found this to be "unconstitutional" The case made a winning for the Civil rights movement. This case made the ending of racial separation in schools. -
Miranda Vs. Arizona
After hours of police interrogations, Ernesto Miranda confessed to kidnap and rape. This individual argued that his was not advised of his rights and the judge believed that any suspect should be informed about their rights before questioning them. -
Terry vs. Ohio
Terry and his friends were acting suspicious in front of a store and the police were observing them. The police officer got off the police car and searched Terry's car and a weapon and he was arrested for possession. The court ruled that the search was of the vehicle was reasonable. -
Title IX
In June 23 of 1972 this case was about no person should deprived or excluded of public education or assistance based sex, race or color. This mostly impacted in high schools. This is also known for breaking down the barriers for women and girls in sports. This opened the door for equalities In genders. And make no discriminations in areas such as employment and schools. -
Goss Vs. Lopez
Nine students received a 10 day suspension for disruptive behavior. without process of protections. The court ruled should be deprived of process of protection and cannot be suspended until that process is required and their rights are respected. -
Education of all handicaped children act.
This case was brought up in 1975 to create equal education for children with special needs. Public schools were required to plan an educational plan with parent input for this children with disabilities. Once administrative efforts were exhausted parents were given authorization to seek judicial review of administrative decisions. Basically schools were starting to discriminate this children because they though it was too much to keep supporting their special education. -
Plyler Vs. Doe
In June of 1982 this case was brought to court alleging that no immigrant student should be deprived of public education. The schools districts wanted to charge a 1,000 fee annually for each immigrant students to compensate lost state funding. In the end court found that children's rights should not be limited when comes to their education. -
Texas vs. Johson
Gregory Lee Johnson was protesting outside of the City Hall by burning a flag. He was arrested for this act but the court found that he wasn't violating any right since it was an act of freedom of speech. -
New Jersey vs. T.L.O
A student was accused of smoking in the bathroom. When she was confronted she denied of such accusation. Her teachers searched her backpack and found cigarettes and marihuana . The court ruled that her rights were not violated because public school reduce policies of privacy of the students.