Plessy v.Ferguson
This Landmarak "Plessy v. Ferguson" was about a guy named Homer Plessy. He agrued that when was arrested for seating in a all whites only section, that he deserved to seat their because he was white. He was also mixed with black. So in the law at that time said that he was considred to be black. So he got the supreme court into this. The case ended with separate but equal. That meant that African Americans and Whites had their own places to go to. -
Brown v. the Board of Education, Topeka
This Landmark was about in 1954 when they were fighting segregation in schools. The courts felt like the Board of Education was right and that seprate schools were fair during that time. They have to reverse the it in 1954 so that all schools would not be segregated and all kids can go. -
Cooper v. Aaron
This Landmark was about some states were still not apllying by the segregation. Aaron made sure that each state would have to abide from these lawas. That made them have to not have segregation in the schools. These states had to listen. -
Engel v. Vitale
In 1962 before schools now, students use to have to do a morning prayer. People felt that students is suppose to have their own rights to their religion and not be forced to others belief's. So they fought that in court to have prayer took away from schools. That is what happen a few months later. -
Title IX
In 1972 they were fighting for that based on students sex, that no one should not be pushed away from doing activities. Because it is funded, that all kids should have the right to participate. All kids should have the right in their education and that shouldn't be taken away from them. -
Education of all Handicapped Children Act
The Landmark in 1975 where kids with disablities were being put at different school, then the other kids. They were fighting to have equal access to learning. The rights to learning like the other kids and not be put to the side because of their disablities. -
Plyler v. Doe
This Landmark was about when some families were being kicked out of school, by James Plyler and the school district. They kicked these families out for being immigrants. If they couldn't show that they were from untied states, they were kicked out and not given the funds to go to school. The families sued the district and won against the district. -
Bethel School District #43 v. Fraser
This student named Matthew Fraser was suspended because he was giving a speech that was not deemed right. They agrued that he should have freedom of speech. So they won that in schools should have the right to speak and have freedom of speech.