Landmark Legislation

  • Plessy v.Ferguson

    Plessy v.Ferguson
    Plessy v. Ferguson was a vital monument decision. The U.S. Supreme Court declared specific segregation laws regarding "separate but equal," which allowed African Americans to use public facilities(railroad). This affected African Americans positively, providing a better quality of education.
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    Brown v. the Board of Education, Topeka

    The Brown v. the Board of Education, Topeka, was a breakthrough event. The court declared that segregation in schools was unconstitutional. It was even worse than before it affected African Americans. It violated the equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment "separate is not equal."
  • Cooper v. Aaron

    The Cooper v. Aaron landmark was about a governor and the legislature of Arkansas who willingly resisted the supreme court's verdict in Brown v. Board of Education. They wanted African Americans to return to a segregated school. This affected African Americans.
  • Engel v. Vitale

    In 1962 in new york, the school would begin the day with a non-denominal prayer. They soon found it to be unconstitutional. This claim in court was a struggle to determine the violation of the first amendment and its establishment of religion—this affected students who were religious and students who appreciated praying to start their day.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Title IX is a federal civil rights law in the US. It states that "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance." This means it is illegal to discriminate against a person based on their sex. This affects students who need financial aid or any federal money concerning education.
  • Education of all Handicapped Children Act

    This act implements equal access to education to children with physical and mental disabilities. This allowing people to have an increasingly equal chance of profiting from education.
  • Goss v. Lopez

    This court case occurred because of nine students who got in trouble and got suspended. The U.S. Supreme court stated that public schools must conduct a hearing before any other disciplinary action. If a student is suspended without a trial, it then violates the fourteenth amendment. This affects students.
  • Pyler v. Doe

    Pyler v. Doe
    A law permitted the state of Texas to deny any public education to children based on their immigration status. They discriminated against undocumented children, which violated the fourteenth amendment. No child living in Texas can be denied equal access to education. This affected undocumented children, allowing them to attend school despite their immigration status.