
Lakia Crocker Early Childhood Theorists

By kia021
  • Friedrich Froebel- Children's Garden (Kindergarten)

    Friedrich Froebel- Children's Garden (Kindergarten)
    Froebel believed that play helps to facilitate creative expression. He believed that play is a key role in education. He started the Children's Garden in Germany.
  • Margarethe Schruz- German language kindergarten

    Margarethe Schruz- German language kindergarten
    Schruz opened the first kindergarten in Watertown, WI. Her teachings were conducted in the German language. Her goal was to prepare students for primary school.
  • Elizabeth Peabody- English language kindergarten

    Elizabeth Peabody- English language kindergarten
    Peabody promoted education and was a leader in the kindergarten movement. She opened the forst English language kindergarten in the United States after learning about Frobel's kindergarten in Germany.
  • Mary S. Peake- Educator

    Mary S. Peake- Educator
    Peake taught children of former slaves during the day and taught adults at night at Fortress Monroe. She taught under an oak tree and was paid by the American Missionary Association which later provided her a cottage on Hampton Institute. She believed in instilling education and racial pride.
  • Patty Smith Hill- Kindergarten movement leader/teacher

    Patty Smith Hill- Kindergarten movement leader/teacher
    Hill advocated free play within education of children. She believed that free play developed a child's full potential. She created Patty Smith Hill blocks for children to play on the floor. She co-wrote "Good Morning to All" with her sister to welcome students at the start of their day.
  • Booker T. Washington- Leading Voice

    Booker T. Washington- Leading Voice
    Washington believed that African Americans could gain rights by demonstrating intelligence. He raised money to establish small community schools in the south. He was also the head of Tuskegee Institute.
  • Alexander Crummell- Co-founder of American Negro Academy

    Alexander Crummell- Co-founder of American Negro Academy
    Crummell was dedicated to African AMerican education and intellectual achievement. The American Negro Academy was one of the first schools dedicated to African American learning.
  • Mary McLeod Bethune- Daytona Normal and Industrial Institute for Negro Girls

    Mary McLeod Bethune- Daytona Normal and Industrial Institute for Negro Girls
    Bethune was a teacher who believed that education provided the key to racial advancement. She started her school with five girls and it quickly grew to over 250 students within years. Her curriculum included 5:30 a.m. bible study which was followed by life sufficiency training such as cooking, home economics, etc.
  • W.E.B. DuBois- Cofounder NAACP

    W.E.B. DuBois- Cofounder NAACP
    DuBois believed that education must teach life. He was the voice of the black community and beleived that educaiton is necessary to develop leadership. He is the first African American to earn his PHD from Harvard University.
  • John B. Watson- Behaviorism

    John B. Watson- Behaviorism
    He believed that human traits come from experiences within their environment. He didn't believe that heredity played a part in shaping human behavior. He published an article called "Psychology as a Behaviorist Views It" to express his ideas.
  • John Dewey- Founder of Pragmatism

    John Dewey- Founder of Pragmatism
    Dewey believed that children curriculums should relate to their lives. He believed that an education focuses on the importance of living daily experiences in the present.
  • B.F. Skinner- Behavorist Theory

    B.F. Skinner- Behavorist Theory
    Skinner's theory stated that a child's repeated actions nrings positive effects that will be learned. He believed that negation repeated results will stop a child's actions eventually. He also beleived that rewards and punishments influence a child's behavior. He studied animal behaviors by using an experiment called the Skinner Box.
  • Lawrence Kohlberg- Theory of Moral Development

    Lawrence Kohlberg- Theory of Moral Development
    Kohlberg believed that moral development happens throughout a lifespan. His theory outlined 6 stages within 3 levels. The first level is called Preconventional Morality. The second level is called Conventional Morality and the last level is called Postconventional Morality.
  • Maxine Smtih- "Black Monday" Leader

    Maxine Smtih- "Black Monday" Leader
    Smith fought for intergration. She escorted the first black children in Memphis, TN to attend a desegregated schoolhouse.
  • Albert Bandura- Bobo Doll Study

    Albert Bandura- Bobo Doll Study
    Bandura believed that the environment shapes behavior and also that behavior affects the environment. He did a doll experiment where a woman yelled aggressively to a doll. The experiment was filmed and shown to small children. The children repeated the woman's actions when allowed to play with the same doll.
  • Economic Opportunity Act of 1964

    Economic Opportunity Act of 1964
    Funds head start programs and expands education opportunities to the poor and/or unemployed.
  • Mary Ainsworth- Strange Situation/Attachment Theory

    Mary Ainsworth- Strange Situation/Attachment Theory
    Ainsworth studied how children behaved when their mothers left them briefly in an unfamiliar room. She concluded three styles of attachment from this experiment which include secure, anxious-avoidant and anxious-resistant.
  • Robert Coles- Moral Studies

    Robert Coles- Moral Studies
    Coles believed that parents and caregivers have an important role in a child's life by the examples they set. He believed that parents must show moral behavior. He worte several books on moral teachings to children.
  • William Glasser-The Contro Theory of Motivaiton

    William Glasser-The Contro Theory of Motivaiton
    Glasser believed that behavior is inspired by what a person wants most. He believed that all living beings control their behavior to maximize satisfaction. He identified teachers as two types: boss teachers who use rewards and punishments and lead teachers who avoid coercion.
  • Marva Collins- Collins Method

    Marva Collins- Collins Method
    Collins opened up a school in her home for any who failed the bigger school system, especially children with learning disabilities. She centered her curriculum on phonics, math, english and other classics. The school was later named Westside Preparatory School.
  • John Bowlby- Attachment Theory

    John Bowlby- Attachment Theory
    Bowlby believed that having an early relationship with a caregiver shapes a chld's development and influences social relationships throughout their lives. He published "A Secure Base" and "Attachment and Loss" with the ideas of this theory.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    This is an Act of Congress to close achievement gaps in schools. All children are provided equal and significant opportunity to higgh quality education. If school do not reach academic growth target two consectutive years, the parent can transfer the student to a different school.
  • Michelle Obama- Lets's Move Campaign

    Michelle Obama- Lets's Move Campaign
    FLOTUS Michelle Obama starts a campaign called Let's Move to end childhood onesity. Five pillars are focused on in this campaign which include creating a healthier start for children, empowering parents and caregivers, healtheir foods in school, increased phsyical activity and acess to healthy and affordable foods.
  • Steve and Marjorie Harvey- Steve and Marjorie Harvey Foundation

    Steve and Marjorie Harvey- Steve and Marjorie Harvey Foundation
    This is a mentoring program for boys and youung men who do not have a father in their life. The goals of the program is to teach and demonstrate principles of manhood. The program promotes education and works hard to build responsible leaders. Mr. Harvey and his wife want to help make these young boys strong, responsible and productive men. They also have a mentoring program for girls.
  • Barack Obama- Preschool for All Initiative

    Barack Obama- Preschool for All Initiative
    President Obama calls on Congress to provide preschool for all low and moderate income 4 year olds within all 50 states. The program is dedicated to reforming and expanding head start.