
Lake Tahoe Unified Evolution

By scolt
  • The Catalyst

    At the close of this year we have had quite a few retirements. There are a lot of new people on the team. It is time to circle the wagons and put our dreams and ideas down as goals, share some visions, and plan a course of action.
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    LTUSD Evolution

  • Action Plan

    Lets have another collaboration session and come up with some long term goals and objectives to make dynamic change happen. Bring together multiple stake holders to create a shared vision, identify the goals, and define an implementation strategy.
  • New Beginning

    Enact new ideas and goals as we begin the new school year. Revisit our collective vision and planning sessions and make sure we are on track for the new year. Ready go!
  • Review & Regroup

    Where did we end up? What worked? What didn't? Lets tweek our plan and goals and sharpen them so we can be succesfull. Implement a multi-year plan with corresponding objectives and milestones.
  • Multi-Year Plan Review

    Review results and reconvene the stakeholders to evaluate effectiveness of objectives. Assessment of milestones and accomplishments. Retool and refine current goals and objectives with feedback and reflection of the stakeholders.
  • Alignment and Redirect

    Evaluate the previous five year window of time with student accomplishments, test scores, parent input, and truly evaluate the effectiveness and successes of the past five years. Make changes as needed and strive for excellence by modifying and making tweeks as necessary.