LaDarrea Unit 1

  • Jun 1, 1265

    Dante Alighieri

    Dante Alighieri
    Dante was born on June 1 1265 in Italy, he was also known as a comedian. He fell in love with a girl and 12 years old and wrote about it most of his life. He loved poetry, music and painting. When he was in Rome the Black Guelphs happened and messed up most of the city. Dante died in 1321 from soemthing called the malarial fever.
  • Oct 1, 1347

    Black plague

    Black plague
    The Black Plague broke out in 1348 and it was very contagious but back then people didnt know that. Most of the symptoms were fever, swollen, buboes, black fingers and hands. The black plague became airborne from hugging, kissing and pysical contact or even brething the same air as
    that perosn. So many people was dropping dead they stated to get use to it and tired to bury everyone that was dying. People began to kick there familys out of there homes so they wouldnt get sick.
  • Dec 11, 1475

    pope leo X

    pope leo X
    His name was chaged from Giovanni di Lorenzo de' Medici to Pope Leo X . He was the new pope which he had new ideas of the renaissance. He wasnt the only head of the Christian church there was others. He power over spain and dertemation over all there kings. He made rome centre and have more power, Leo x was comauction martin luther in 1501.
  • Nov 10, 1483

    Martin luther

    Martin luther
    Martin Luther was born in 1483, he enrolled in school and study grammer and logic. He changed the churchs into christianity. He wanted people to be closer to God and put the bible in a language that people could understand. He died in 1546 from many sicknesses.
  • Mar 1, 1534

    King Henry VIII

    King Henry VIII
    King Henry bother died at 15 which left him next to be a king. King henry was born June 28 1491, He was married 6 times and had 2 of them killed but his only surviving son Edward VI died in Jan 28, 1547. He also was apart of the english reformation. He also had a heart for art music and culture. He also clared him slef as the head of the church in 1534. King Henry was fully seperated from the pope.
  • Sep 25, 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    The peace allowed the the prince to choose Lutheranism or Catholicism. At augsburg and end religious conflicts and reported within the holy roman empire. This also determan if the they should go to war against another religion. They didnt grant peace until the until the next imperial Diet. And the church could sell there property and migrate.
  • Holy Rome Empire

    Holy Rome Empire
    The holy rome empire was founded in 1806. Rome emrpire been leaderless since 476 it was abolished after the Napoleonic in 1806. It was also located in germany nation. After time it incresed political importance. Worms was the most famous example in 1521. The emipre was divied in ten Circles.