Labor Unions

By Johnnay
  • Workingmen's Party of New York

    Workingmen's Party of New York
    The workingmens party was founden in 1829 in new york city inspired by the political views of robert dale owen who at the time edited the ne enquirer in new york city
  • Pensylvanias child labor Law

    Pensylvanias child labor Law
    Pennsylvanias child labor law establishes the age of 12 as the minimum age for workers in commercial occupations.
  • MayDay

    340,000 workers protested against long work hours on May 1, 1886 a bunch of workers got out of work to protest and at the end of the day the workers got their work hours fut down to eight hours a day.
  • Haymarket Square incident

    Haymarket Square incident
    An incident during 1886 that caused labor workers to cause a riot and protest agianst companies for giving them long work hours. There was gunfire and bomb threats against the police. It had eight police deaths and an unknown number of civilian deaths.
  • Railroad workers protest

    Railroad workers protest
    On July 19, railroad workers, iron molders and other tradesmen shut down the sprawling Pittsburgh railroad yards of the Pennsylvania Railroad, then America’s largest corporation.
  • Triangle Shirtwaste Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaste Fire
    A fire broke out on the top floor of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory and on that floor were 500 workers. The Owner always kept the fire escape exit doors locked so the women had nowhere to go so they jumped off the building and died. Out of the 500 workers, there was 146 women killed during that fire.