Labor timeline

By mikky
  • The Noble Order of the Knights of Labor

    The Noble Order of the Knights of Labor
    It was organixed by Philadelphia goverment workers. It was opened to farmers, merchants and wage earners. They wanted = pay for = work, 8 hour work days, and the abolition of child labor. It lasted till 1900.
  • American Federation of Labor

    American Federation of Labor
    The AFL focused on better working conditions. They were craft oriented. Craft oriented means that they grope people by trade, They also wanted a better pay for their work.
  • Haymarket Square Riot

    Haymarket Square Riot
    Workers in chicago marhed for an 8hour work day protest. Police came to break up strike. 8 cops dead, 100's injured. Anarchists (anti-govt) Blamed for biolence. From now on public say unions and anarchists as a problem.
  • How the other half lives

    How the other half lives
    Jacob Riis wrights "How the other half live." It is about the tenements in New York during the 1880s. It is a publication of photojournalism. It showed the world just how bad it was to have to live in the slums of New York.
  • The Homestead Strike.

    The Homestead Strike.
    An industrial lockout and strike that began on june 30th. Culminating in a battle between strikers and private security agents on July 6, 1892. It was one of the most serious disputes in U.S. history. The dispute occurred at the Homestead Steel Works in the Pittsburgh area town of Homestead, Pennsylvania, between the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers ( The AA) and the Carnegie Steel Company. The final result was a major defeat for the union.
  • The pullman strike

    The pullman strike
    company built town of pullman so workers could rent homes form owner, George M. Pullman. Rents were high, and in 1893 wages were slashed due to the pannic of 1893. Pullmen Refused to lower rents. Workers went on strike, led by Eugene V. Debs, within days thousands of railroad workers in 27 states wenr on strike. Most state governors supported business side. Union leaders were arrested and Imprisoned. The strike collapsed.
  • The coal strike

    The coal strike
    Strike by the Unithe Mine Workers of America in the anthracite coal fields of eastern P.A. The strike threatened to shut down the winter fuel supply to all major cities. President Theodore Roosevelt became involved and set up a fact finding commission that suppened the strike. The strike never resumed, as the miners received more pay for fewer hours; the owner got a higher price for coal.
  • the jungle

    the jungle
    "The jungle" is written by the muckraker upton sinclair. It is written on the meat packing industry of chicago. It lead to the passing of the Pure food and drug ack. It also lead to the Meat inspection Act. It told of how bad the meat packing industry was how unhelthy it was.
  • the bitter cry of children

    the bitter cry of children
    "The bitter cry of children" is written by John Spargo. I was on child labor, and the hardships the kids faced. It exposed how the kids were over worked, under payed, and just how bad the work place was. One of the many areas he talked about was the PA coal mines.
  • The pure food and drug act.

    The pure food and drug act.
    It is a United States federal law thea provided federal inspection of meat products. It also forgaded the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated food products, and poisonous patent medicines. Was pass thanks to "The Jungle" by the Muckraker Upton Sinclair.
  • Labor day!

    Labor day!
    Labor day is a holiday only in U.S.A. It is the first monday in Sept. and so the date changes every year. It is a day on witch we celebrate the workers and all the work they do.
  • Triangle shirt factory fire

    Triangle shirt factory fire
    What happened is there was a fire inside a shirt factory in New York. Some of the mangment had brought their kids that day. Back then the people would lock the doors so no one could run away. Well no one could Escape the fire and when they did they had to jump from windows to high up to live the fall. Since then they have a law that says there must always be a way to get out.
  • Congress of Industrial Organization.

    Congress of Industrial Organization.
    Was part of the AFL atill i935. The reason that it brook away is that it advocated organixation alonf industrial lines rather then craft lines. It rejoined the AFL in 1955. It is still part of the AFL.
  • The National Labor Relation Act

    The National Labor Relation Act
    Also known as the Wagner Act. It was pro labor and gave the right to punist unfair labor practices. It created the National Labor Relations Board. Made Labor's right to organize legally reconized.
  • GM sit down strike

    GM sit down strike
    Lasted from Dec. 30, 1936 to Feb. 11, 1937. A sit down strike is where the workers come in to work but get no work done because they sit around to show they do not like something. In the GM sit down strike Roosevelt got GM's management to talk to leaders in the UAW. Once the strike had spread to other plants, and the leaders had come to a bargain they went back to work. This is the first time in history that the workers got to help run GM.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    Fair Labor Standards Act
    Also known as the Federal Regulations of Child Labor. It regulated the ages and hours worked for children. This is the first time that such stuff has ever been regulated. Made a minium age for children to work.
  • Steel strike

    Steel strike
    Strike by the United Steelworker of America against U.S. steel and 9 other steelmakers. The strike was scheduled to begin on April 9, 1952, but president Harry S. Truman nationalized the American steel industry hours befor the workers walked out. The steel companies regain control of their facilities. On june 2, 1952, in a landmark decision, the U.S. Supreme court ruled in Youngstown sheet &Tube Co. V. Sawyer VS. U.S. that the president did not have the authority to seize the steel mills.
  • Major League Baseball strike.

    Major League Baseball strike.
    The 1972 baseball strike was the first players' strike in Major League Baseball history. The strike occurred from April 1,1972 to April 13, 1972. Baseball resumed when the owners and players agreed on a $500,000 increase in pension and fund payment and to add salary arbitration to the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The 86 games that were missed over the 13-day period were never played because the league refused to pay the players for the they were on strike.
  • New York City Transit Strike

    New York City Transit  Strike
    The 2005 New York transit strike was a strike in New York City called by the Transport Workers Union Local 100(TWU). Negotiations for a new contract with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) brokedown over retirement, pension, and wage increases. It started at 3:00 a.m. Most New York City Transit Authorith pwesonnel observedd the strike, effectively halting all service on the subway and buses.